Some people run to the drugstores and bought all the drug they could find.
I believe this is still the standard for anyone who works in the more sensitive areas of a hospital, like the OR, Cath Lab, and maybe the ICU. The problem becomes enforcement. Many health care providers have taken to wearing scrubs around (why not? They are comfortable, easy to change into/out of for exactly this reason, and they act as a sort of uniform). The problem becomes that it’s difficult to tell whether someone who wears scrubs to work and to go home, ever changed.
You can’t buy it over the counter here. Prescription only.
According to the articles some people, even without prescription, bougth the medicine. I bet they bribed the pharmacist or the drugstores are hiding the product, betting that the price will go up and the profits too.
Yeah, and then there is that…
Lots of things are gonna need to change, that being one of them.
Watched this last night
I always thought it was Satumaa?
“Chinese” Virus = racist rebranding of Corona Virus to serve a dim-witted politician
Well that sounds totally normal
If they don’t name her Charmin I’ll be disappointed.
Netflix starts 30-day video data diet at EU’s request to ensure network availability during coronavirus crisis
Dell publishes data centre cleaning guidance, suggests hiring pros to disinfect enterprise kit
This scares me almost as much as the news about the virus itself:
I know the tendency is for citizens to rally around their leaders during great times of crisis, but c’mon.
Lets see how long that lasts:
People out of work and half empty grocery stores are not a good mix.
Not if Il Douche has anything to say about it. He is trying to suppress this news by ordering state labor depts to withhold unemployment numbers. Because, you know, bad numbers are bad for reelection!
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