Ongoing coronavirus happenings

A bunch of cash that needs cleaning? Glad there’s finally an aspect of all this that Donnie is qualified to discuss!


Azar: “It is a challenge if you are a doctor wanting to get somebody tested”

U.S. health officials addressed criticism Thursday that the federal government has failed to quickly distribute coronavirus tests to health facilities nationwide. Officials said the U.S. is “on par” with “peer countries” in Europe that have been similarly impacted by the virus.

“Our testing in the United States has been very consistent, if not even more aggressive than similarly impacted countries,” Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told reporters. “We are not Korea. Korea is in a very active hot zone outbreak. As is northern Italy.”

“We have been ramping up our testing and where we will stand in the next week to week and a half, in terms of availability of testing, will place us far ahead of similarly impacted major countries around the world.”

He said that right now, “it is a challenge if you are a doctor wanting to get somebody tested. You do need to reach out to your public health lab and see if they have a test.”

“Do not be surprised if you hear concerns of doctors saying ‘I have a patient, I don’t know how to get this (test) done,’” he said. “We’re going to be putting up on CDC’s website information on which public health labs have the test.”

Enough kits to test for 75,000 people are expected to be shipped by the CDC by the end of the week, according to Azar.


Azar is an asshole, but he is at least being sort of honest about this. Testing amounts to:

  1. Call Health Dept and request test
  2. Be told we don’t have any, contact CDC
  3. CDC says they will get back to you
  4. hell, I don’t know what 4 is.

Illinois now has the right (first state) to do our own testing with our own kits instead of having to go through the CDC. That’s how we speed up the testing and response: don’t make it all go through one understaffed, underfunded location.




So am I wrong but I no longer trust any statistic from CDC, I firmly believe trump or pence is messing with them and holding back info, test counts etc. Strangely the US media doesn’t seem to be calling them out on this, though I heard Chris Hayes give a brief mention last night that their website stats were wrong.

It doesn’t have US info of course but I now only trust BBC/NHS and WHO info.

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Now there’s the reason for the other side of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Someone who is talented and knowledgeable, is also talented enough to know the limits of their knowledge, and when to defer to an expert in that field.


As Australia is gripped by bog roll shortage, tabloid says: Here, fill your dunny with us


Still think the US coronavirus response (restrict or ban travel from China and Iran!) isn’t based on racism instead of science?


Note that medical imports to Iran are already heavily restricted. But, apparently that’s not enough to satisfy these murderous fuckers.




This was actually suggested upthread by a poster who was, um, informed of the errors of logic and humanity involved.


This kind of shit is not going to help our chances going forward.


Unfortunately, it’s not limited to shitposters on the BBS. I wish it were.


At this stage, it is unclear whether the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)-2 outbreak will run its course, as SARS-CoV did in 2003, or will become an endemic cause of viral pneumonia.

i’m not sure that “besides, it wouldn’t work” is an appropriate response to pure evil. Nevertheless…


It seems cruel to expect an organism with a dedicated set of pedipalps to refrain from palpating.


Or a combination?

In some ways, I think the US could end up worse than China. They aren’t testing on any meaningful level, people have severe disincentives to seeking health care, an authoritarian government more interested in PR than PH, coupled with a culture that fetishizes “Give me liberty or give me death!” to the point where multiple people’s deaths are considered an acceptable price against one¹ person’s freedom. It’s a recipe for disaster, and if not this one, then another one soon.

¹ white, obviously. It’s okay to lock up anyone else.²
² Do I really have to say /s?


So here’s the situation in li’l ol’ Harrisonburg VA. JMU brought back a group of study abroad students from northern Italy a couple days ago, and promptly ordered them into 14 day quarantine. One of those has a sib in a local HS, leading that family to self-quarantine, but not until after the kid had attended classes. An urgent care center down the road abruptly closed last night and the health department had it on lock-down, no one in no one out. The story they put out was “It was a routine response to a patient who came in with a cold, and we are doing routine cleaning.” Seriously? Probably an overreaction, but that is where we are. Oh, and we cannot easily access testing, so there is that as well. Fun times!!


Rich suburbs between Philly and NYC.