Ongoing coronavirus happenings


A summary of Sundayā€™s unwatchable presser.

The networks just gave Trump over an hour of free prime time advertising. They are allowing him to steal this election, even as he kills thousands of American citizens. Itā€™s unbelievable.

By Lucian K. Truscott IV [columnist for Salon]

Started around 7:00, almost completely contentless. No news. Nothing to add from yesterday, nothing that wasnā€™t covered by Cuomo this morning and babblers on the Sunday morning shows. A really, really long promo for the malaria drugā€¦ā€œWhat do you have to lose?ā€ā€¦on and on and on. You really have to wonder if Trump Inc. doesnā€™t have some stock in one of the companies that make it. Reporters kept hammering him on his promotion of the drug, asking him, wasnā€™t he acting like a doctor. He just kept repeating, ā€œIā€™m just trying to save lives.ā€ The base probably ate it up. Heā€™s trying to save us! Heā€™s such a great guy! Heā€™s standing up to those nasty liberal reporters, doubting him!

But really, no drama to speak of, no information to speak of, even Shoulder Scarf was understated tonight, with silk carefully draped over only one shoulder rather than two!

I strongly suspect that Trumpā€™s campaign people have gotten their hands on numbers telling them there are two hundred some million people just sitting at home self isolating with the television on, and theyā€™ve told him itā€™s an audience just waiting for him to fill time for them. Heā€™s happy as a clam as long as heā€™s speaking, and he talked through almost every minute tonight. Heā€™s now been on camera for more than an hour. Pence got about 5 minutes, Shoulder Scarf only 5, and the general in charge of shipping everything a couple.

It was all Trump all the time in prime time. Heā€™s campaigning every single day for more than an hour, and these fucking networks are giving him billions of dollars of air time. Heā€™s happy as long as his pancaked mug is on the screen, and itā€™s on the screen 7 nights a week for hours and hours and hours.

Heā€™s killing a thousand people a day, 10,000 as of tonight, and heā€™s being rewarded for it. Democrats are sucking wind, and heā€™s riding a total disaster for which heā€™s responsible for all heā€™s worth. This is fucking criminal. The networks are allowing him to steal this election. Fuck them, every one of them.


This is a riveting account by a pulmonologist who went into cytokinesis as part of fighting coronavirus and actually lived to tell the tale:


I especially love this:

The failure has echoes of the period leading up to 9/11: Warnings were sounded, including at the highest levels of government, but the president was deaf to them until the enemy had already struck.

This is not the same as 9/11 at all. Yes, we would later learn that intelligence officials were raising alarms up the chain that were mostly ignored or deferred due to inter-agency penis waving. It was an epic fuck up but one basically unknown to the public until much later.

No, this is like 9/11 with Osama bin Laden going on every American news network in July saying, ā€œhey you guys, in a few months Iā€™m going to have some of my men hijack several airplanes and fly them into buildings in New York and DC - just thought you may want to be aware of this!ā€ and nobody in the US government does anything about it - itā€™s decided to just hope for the best. On 9/12, W has a press conference and starts blaming Bill Clinton for not doing more and telling New Yorkers that they should have been more prepared and to clean up their own mess.


Just to dog pile that metaphor here, it would also be as if we all knew the hijackers were in control of the planes and in mid flight while the President and his supports were all messaging that it was just a media hoax. Canā€™t stop flights cus the economy, oh and people die in planes all the time.


Jesus H Christ. We really are living in the dumbest timeline.


Sorry if this is a repost.


2nd source:


According to the models here, weā€™re 10 days away from peak projected daily deaths for the US.


Norwegian health authorities have declared that the pandemic has been stopped in Norway, with the infection value R_0<1.

Hopefully people donā€™t interpret this to mean they can stop socially isolating, since the country is still full of infected and infectious people.


Odds on whether Dr. Fauciā€™s days in govā€™t are numbered? Il Douche tends not to tolerate facts, nor those who embrace them over him.

Cassandra is not a fun role


God helps those who help themselves. Too bad some American Christians canā€™t follow that creed like these folks do.