Ongoing coronavirus happenings

Get your sleep.

I find low doses of edible THC once in awhile work well, couple hours before bedtime.

Seems like once a week or so. I wouldn’t want to build up a tolerance or whatever to it. :woman_shrugging:


Fine print: “for adult, Christian straight cisgendered white men only. Gilead 4-evah!”


Distributors would pay 100% for supplies originating from overseas


the federal government would pick up the tab per flight – averaging $750,000 to $800,000 – to bring supplies to the U.S. faster than by cargo ship. This federal “airbridge” would shave off days or weeks in delivery time.

yeah, sounds good

In exchange, the distributor agreed to sell half of their supplies to certain hard-hit counties, designated by the government as “hot spots,” and leaving the destination of the other half to the company’s discretion.

Wait, in exchange for what? wtf
This should read “In exchange for free expedited shipping, the distributor agreed to sell ̶h̶a̶l̶f̶ all of their supplies at cost to certain hard-hit counties.”

The commercial invoices for each flight though remain secret.

No transparency = no accountability.
da faq


The stuff that is going on is the kind of stuff that doesn’t allow me to sleep well

I empathize totally, although I’m finding the lockdown actually a little less hard on sleep that when my business was running at full tilt.

Dr. Walker addresses some strategies at this point (about 23:25) in the longer video.

He’s a top scientist in his field and an excellent communicator.

Edit: I’ll add a link to my favourite Ambient artist’s best (IMO) sleep piece: The Monster In Me Needs A Good Night’s Sleep
Also: Ambient Sleeping Pill, there are a few of them.


Read “Red States”.


[She’s] just look[ing] at it.


I wish I could skim 2.85% off $349 billion for handing out US taxpayers’ money. (Not really, but I’m not sociopathic enough to be a bankster.)


I just learned that Brooke Shields is actually pretty funny.

(It is Brooke Shields, right?)


Everywhere should be doing this before they even think of opening up, but currently it would bottleneck pretty fast. What a patchwork with the federal government asleep at the wheel!



Updated on April 23, 2020

(Updates with Trump donation in sixth paragraph)

Bennett donated $150,000 in the last six months to a fundraising committee for Trump’s reelection campaign and for Republicans, according to Federal Election Commission records. He also gave to Trump in 2016, and has made donations to prominent allies such as House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy and Senator Lindsey Graham.

Well of course he did.


North Carolina’s briefing is ongoing now.
The current plan is to lift the current stay at home on May 8th based on:
Covid-like symptom cases over 2 weeks
Test-confirmed cases over 2 weeks
Positive tests as a percentage over 2 weeks
Number of people in hospital with it.

They’re also considering testing numbers, PPE availability, etc.

General info:
Doubling time has gone beyond 11 days.
Our curve is lower than the US as a whole.
ER cases for covid-like symptoms are down.

No decreases in % of positive tests but we’re holding stable there.
Hospitalizations are also holding fairly level.

That person up-thread may want to take a look at this post if they’re still around. There are those metrics you wanted :slight_smile:

The general guidance for reopening:
Decrease in cases with covid-like symptoms.
Decreasing or sustained level confirmed cases.
Decreasing positive test %.
Decreasing or sustained level hospitalizations.

Testing on the order of 5-7k per day
500 people doing contact tracing (double the current number.)
At least 30 days of PPE in reserve for all types of PPE (we’re currently lacking gowns and masks.)

They’re accepting sustained level (no increase) rather than decreases for some cases because there has been no spike and the healthcare system hasn’t had much of a problem handling the load (there are fewer than 500 people in hospital with symptoms statewide.)

If these are met by May 8th, then we enter phase 1 of reopening:

  • General retailers are allowed to open with screening, enhanced cleaning, and social distancing requirements.
  • Gatherings of more than 10 prohibited
  • Closed parks will reopen.
  • Certain places still restricted.

Phase 2 a few weeks later if numbers still look good:

  • Restaurants, Bars, etc. allowed to reopen as long as they keep social distancing requirements
  • Larger gatherings allowed
  • Vulnerable populations recommended to stay at home.
  • Remote work encouraged.

Phase 3 (4-6 weeks later):

  • Vulnerable populations considered safe to leave home
  • Larger gatherings.

If it starts looking bad at any point, they’ll roll back to previous phases.





wncn was reporting it was still rising as of monday:

and… it almost looks that’s not doing 7-day averages, instead they’re determining a positivity rate by averaging across all tests. ( the main nc health site doesn’t seem to provide the data in a way that’s easily to figure that out either. )

so if it’s going up, i’d imagine its really going up.

cross posting to this –

where at least nationally, we may be still in a situation where our testing capacity increases aren’t exceeding the infection increases.


I believe in the presentation they were doing 7 day averages and it looked more steady than in that graph. Hopefully NCDHHS or someone else will be posting the slides and contents of the press conference.


Market driven analysis is always playing up how “the death rate may be lower”, as if it’s the only thing we should be looking at with health outcomes.

(The numbers are an important data point, but it’s always interesting the emphasis different news outlets want to put on what it means or what the takeaway should be.)