Online anti-harassment task force launched

I’d like to strongly second these things.

So here we have this movement that from the first was built around trying to silence feminists and critics. That even in Doc’s gently rephrased goals wants to get rid of the voices of “SJWs” and anyone who criticizes them for misogyny, and from all evidence has concerned itself with nothing beyond harassing and threatening such people. That as pointed out is being recognized as a hate group.

So who do the posters here find to criticize? Why obviously, it should be the woman who somehow doesn’t want to reach out to this group. If she really cared, she should be trying to teach them her view. The dudes manage to discuss harassment of women with calm indifference, she should have to do the same, and instead she’s all angry and emotional for some reason.

Derailing Using Education
Derailing Using Anger
Derailing Using Emotion

Usually you also see derailing using retaliation - where people interrupt the conversation to yawn and complain that there’s only so much people can worry about, and can anybody really say this hate group is productive for us to focus on?

Yet I never see that yawn when I argue about things like the definition of planets or infinite sets. Probably the most angry and unpersuasive debates here are on gun control, but there the same people are often happy to engage; shaddack’s even brought up the critical issue of folding knife rights. No, the yawn of unimportance seems to be reserved for issues affecting minorities.

And hey, we haven’t been focusing much on that here. We’ve been talking about the gamergaters themselves, how everyone should be more understanding and stop judging them based on what the evidence shows the movement to be. So I guess now it’s worth our concern, not like when we were talking about the women they were driving off-line and from their homes.

I guess it’s written to sound reasonable in small doses, but taken as a whole it’s all plainly textbook tactics to dismiss minority concerns. It’s directly opposed to the pretended goal of building bridges, it’s nasty, and it’s really disappointing to see here. I really wish people could figure things out and stop doing it.