I also heard it was the biggest rally in his story.
Please forgive me if I apologise: I sounded lecture-y. I only realised after your reply how my frustration might be coming through more as castigation: I know BB’ers are more aware than most of the dangers this shitbag of an admin poses.
I guess I am frustrated, because there is literally nothing I can do about these assholes. My country is already dealing with the effects and it’s not going to slow down (I don’t blame people for running for the border. I blame the assholes who made them feel they had to run).
Plus, cults are at their most dangerous and unstable when their popularity begins to wane. I am terrified of what damage this one could do, packed as full as it is of members of one of the most dangerous groups on earth.*
*Angry White Guys with guns, if it wasn’t obvious.
ETA: And re-reading, I could have expressed my self better here
Quite Edumacated Donald?
So basically he tried making a honey trap, cocked up the ‘don’t let them know you’re just baiting them in to arrests and media assassination’ bit?
Doh - fixed. Thank you.
Everyone on the planet attended and brought along a billion and a half reptilian aliens?
That… actually explains a lot.
He’s the first president to see the office primarily as a way to enhance his own wealth.
I agree. But has there beeb any president before who started his reelection campaign that early?
No, I don’t think so. The incentive for him is financial, and apparently the adulation of adoring crowds. I think most presidents run because they want the job and not to loot their campaign funds by draining it into their businesses.
Good point. It’s still hard to think this way - but it seems to be important to have the kleptocratic aspect in mind regarding each and every aspect.
Sorry for the minor edit but it seems obvious he’s got only one goal.
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