Only you can determine what tops the official Hallowe'en Candy Hierarchy

You and one of my daughters would get on well. Or maybe not, since you’d be fighting over the matcha KitKats!

Give me real matcha any day.


I live in a neighborhood that’s so popular for trick-or-treating that kids get bussed in from all over the city to get candy here; we get something like 500-700 kids coming by. So we go through a LOT OF CANDY.

Given the choice, kids always go for Reese’s cups first. Twix, Butterfingers, and Snickers are all popular, too. But I’ve had multiple kids politely give Whoppers and Tootsie Rolls back, saying “um, no thank you.”

To handle the mobs, I have a three-tier strategy:

  • Kids with amazing, creative, homemade costumes get full-size candy bars. Last year I had a kid dressed as an iPhone with working buttons, a kid dressed as a sorcerer who did an actual magic act at each house, and a kid with an old-school computer costume that would “process” candy when inserted into its floppy drive.
  • Kids with costumes get good, fun-size candy. These are the bulk of my visitors.
  • Teens or preteens dressed in hoodies – about 1/3 of the kids who visit – get Dum Dum pops or crappy bubble gum.

Sounds like we’re in similar situations, although in our case we’re one block away from the amazing street, so we get all the run-off despite not being a particularly involved block ourselves.

Once the ratio of teens in street clothes carrying open school backpacks and not saying a word starts to overwhelm the kids in costume, we close up shop for the night.

My one exception is: if you’re taking your younger sibling(s) around, you get extra candy for being a good big brother/sister!

am i the only one who thinks the entire list is a disgusting pile of inedible processed foodstuff?

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You and the pencil lady down the street.


No thank you? NO THANK YOU?? To those kids you should give them circus peanuts or those orange or black wrapped chewy things as a second offering. If someone is giving you free candy that you don’t have to eat in front of the person giving it you, smile, say thanks, and don’t eat what you don’t like. My goodness. P.S. My only beef with whoppers is the inevitable chewy one that didn’t quite get “whopped” properly.

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I certainly hope you are.

Let people enjoy what they enjoy.


They make those?! I gotta find some!!


They’re next to impossible to find in the UK, I took to buying the rainbow mix tube just to get to the 2 grape mentos at the end. Or the start. Depending on how you eat them. :smile:

That’s not hard. They’re available on

Amusing note: Amazon’s “other people looked at this too” feature wants me to look at dental floss.


That sounds like a thread @OtherMichael would start for a new game!

Are you going actually going trick or treating yourself?

Does this mean “by myself” or “with my kids”? Are they distinct answers?


Green Tea? SO SAD.

Wake me up when there are Wasabi KitKats.

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My only beef is the people who give out beef kebabs. WRAP THOSE THINGS IN PLASTIC.


Should I start handing out tubs of Chicken Vindaloo this Halloween?


Buckets of vindaloo?

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How bout Doomsday Prepper Soup Buckets for the kids?


Okay, I’ll just make some Blue Meth for the kids.

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