Oregon domestic terrorists now destroying public property in earnest

Going in guns blazing would be the wrong thing to do in every possible respect, but it would give you a sense of righteous satisfaction at stickin’ it to the Bad Guys.

So, basically, your motivations are the same as theirs!


This land should be given back to the Paiute shouldn’t it?


The Oregon National Guard (a militia in the Second Amendment sense) could use some practice on the techniques for establishing and controlling perimeters around an area, couldn’t they? Surround the building with barricades. Allow no one to enter (under penalty of arrest for entering a restricted area) and allow people to exit only in the back of a police car or prisoner transport. Let them sit there, stew, and slowly exhaust their limited supplies.


I suppose the authorities, whoever they are, think even that would constitute the “escalation” they’re trying to avoid.

Thanks! I did listen, and wow, it all just makes me think again what has already been said so many times: I just cannot imagine that kind of calm, wait-and-see response to similar actions by any other group of non-white, non-middle-aged-white-guy protesters. The difference in responses to this kind of protest and others really is stunning.


Couldn’t a drone deliver tear gas or sleeping gas or pepper spray, or some other kind of non-lethal, non-martyrizing deterrent / pacification agent? It doesn’t have to be a violent, no-survivors kind of scenario.

Alternately, cut the power, jam the radio frequencies, and quarantine the area. No one in, no one out. It’s hardly a siege when they’re able to drive in and out, and receive mail.

Failing that, why not just nuke them all and let God sort them out?


While it’s definitely true that any less privileged group would be a pile of corpses by now, I’m still hoping this can be peacefully resolved. Ideally, our law enforcement shouldn’t resort to murder as a first response to anyone, regardless of race or creed, and having them slaughter everyone equally isn’t really a step towards that ideal.

Of course, there’s a difference between not responding with violence and just… not responding.


Since they’re acting like children just get their mums to turn up and ask them when they’re going to tidy up the mess they’ve made.


While I was willing to listen to their argument about the fires (sometimes fires just need to be, you know?), and appropriating the people’s property (in a get-the-guvvermint-outta-my-medicare sort of way), this this this … I dunno.

It doesn’t look like a paved road to me. It looks like they drove their (or maybe my, as in taxes-paid-for) trucks across the mud and made some ruts.

And as for the bureaucrats actually caring about the Paiute tribe, I seriously doubt that. It would go against 300 years of history.

But, really. These guys are idiots. Just idiots. Even the other constitutional-liberty-oathkeeper-god-guns-and-freedom types are embarrassed.

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More injuries from ricochet and spalling from point blank firing on armor than if you just started feeding them CS canisters for a few hours.

What’s wrong with strapping a 20’ spool of razor wire on the back of a tank and have it do a circle around the buildings while deploying the wire. Then turn the power off. Yalqueda can fire away as much as they like at the tank without risk of injury to anyone (except their stupid selves), and they don’t get to become martyrs. But they do get prevented from further damage to the broader wildlife refuge, and we get the entertainment of watching them try and cut their way through a 20’ mess of razor wire before their “snacks” run out.


In my fanfiction this ends with them being surrounded by an actual well-regulated militia of Native people, starving them out, forcing them to strip, and marching them off to be de-loused and processed.


I just can’t stop marveling at their assertion that government cameras on government property, covering government-owned and -operated buildings, are somehow an “illegal search” based on the Fourth Amendment.

There are not enough facepalms in the world for this group.


These creeps are wandering through a fever-dream. After people opt out of reality they can come up with all kinds of amazingly weird opinions.


…have I mentioned I’m a bad person? At no point did I suggest noone wouldn’t get hurt.


Holy crap! One of the militants was off compound and flipped his van. He got a ticket for driving without a license. No arrest.


That’s beyond treating them with kid gloves, and strays into the government condoning their actions. The locals have had enough already, yet the FBI is still accommodating domestic terrorists. Time’s up. Time to do something. I suggest properly siegeing the place, or just driving an MRAP into the parking lot and letting the idiots use up their ammo on a hard target they can’t really damage.


I can’t help thinking of all the beneficial contracts that would come out of rebuilding the facility post drone strike.


The creator of Cards Against Humnaity sent 55 gallons of lube. If they choose not to relax, maybe we should send some Netflix.


OK, I get the Feds’ “hands off” approach to the occupation itself is probably a strategy for avoiding another Waco. But now local PD aren’t even doing their jobs anymore? WTF?


Destroying culturally significant sites… sounds familiar…