Oregon militiaman arrested after stealing wildlife reserve vehicle to go shopping

Now imagine your park is 319 acres and adjacent to your business downtown, and there are 6 months of decent weather in your town so for a solid 3 summer months and then at least occasionally for the month and a half on either side both public AND private events effect the same shut-down for 2-5 days per week…of both pedestrian AND vehicle traffic. Yeah, the summer festival schedule is particularly brutal: I’m 2 miles away, whaddya mean I can’t turn left?


Mod note: Stay on topic. And that means not arguing about property existing or not.


But this is exactly what happens over and over again: the subject matter is trivial, merely an excuse to argue about what “is” is.


The Malheur occupation, fundamentally, is about not staying on topic. The questions they ask seem to be long settled non sequiters. Can the federal government own land. Are County governments endowed by god to defend the sovereign citizen from the excesses of the “state.” And the answer to those questions is usually “Don’t be absurd…”


By the way, anyone else getting a weird hiccup around post 40?

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Fine! So if notions of property and territory are not relevant to a topic about theft and occupation, I will defer to you clear and unbiased interlocutors to try explaining what you think is topical here. I won’t be participating in further remarks in this topic. But this had really better be good.

Derailment achieved, yet again! Congrats, I guess.


Dude, it doesn’t work that way.

Not that I wouldn’t love to head to the local armory and pick up a SAW and M4 for the weekend using that logic. Or hell, to the local police SWAT armory and borrow an MP-5. But that isn’t how it works.

ETA - heading to Fort Knox for a bar of gold. Just one. I’m not greedy. Will be a bitchin paper weight.


an asshole in the seat?

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I had to wait 10 whole seconds before I could like your post. Good thing I’m a patient woman.:smirk:


You can have something pretty similar. Buy a tungsten bucking bar, and gold-plate it. The look and feel will be the same.

And it’s quite likely that you’d get something similar from the other store anyway.


“But. . . but. . . I thought we could just do what we want. . . you know, freedom.”


You might could broaden your definition of “those people.” I’ve had this argument with an unabashed hippie who felt that the “community garden” he was making deserved that water hose more than the public park he’d stolen it from did.

Then again, he was white, so maybe not.

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I am unconvinced that these grifting camo-cosplayers deserve the title of “militiamen”.


Hey why don’t you go grab stuff from Fort Knox…whole bunch of government property over there.


I didn’t exactly narrow my definition, though I don’t think I’d have quite enough information to tell if the described "hippie"s reasoning would cause them to fit the general group or not.

…I must confess I have no idea why skin color would relate to my definition at all.

I was pretty entertained. Thanks.

Biting lyrics, good visuals, good story.

I understand vocally you’re going for a yokel / Garry’s Mod feel with the vocal disharmony, but I think that hurts overall. The joke is told through the words, and it’s taxing to read the subtitles when it sounds like dogs braying.

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Maybe A/B test the multitrack vs. singletrack vocals on youtube? Just saying I’d favor cleaner vocals, even if it’s a less faithful re-creation of the BGs orig.

Could someone ELI5 what the problem is that those militia guys have with the government. I understand what sparked the conflict (use of federal land) but can’t grasp the general issue/problem they have with the federal government.

Are they some sort of anarchists or separatists, or what?

On the one hand they rave against “big government” taking away their freedoms (guns, land, whatever) on the other hand they use the flag of exactly the same government as symbol and brandish the constitution (wherein the federal government is codified) like some holy text. It’s a bit contradictory from an outsiders perspective.


They have seized a peaceful public space, a wildlife refuge, and are using guns to stay there as long as they like. They have articulated no clear problem nor platform. It’s scary to me.

I happen to think Kelo V. New London is one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in recent memory, so I’m not prone to be sympathetic to the US Gov position when it comes to property rights.