Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2021/01/06/ossoff-beats-purdue-dems-control-senate.html
What a lovely bit of official good news on this dumpster fire of a day.
whew! what a day, what a day.
Practically second page news at this point, but it’s still really exciting.
Imma just gonna assume that their opponents won’t be graceful about this.
With the Democrats in charge in both Houses, is there time for a nice little impeachment of the instigator of today’s attempted coup before Biden takes over? Trump has to pay for today’s scenes.
Then perhaps some expulsions are in order for the likes of Ted Cruz for trying to overturn a democratic election.
I love you Georgia.
That seems like something that should happen today – voting from their secure locations if necessary.
it was my pleasure.
Lets hope this puts an end to “the South is full of rednecks” conversation. Like (nearly) everywhere else on the planet, populations are diverse and not monolithic. Power structures have been in place to maintain the status quo, and those power structures are now unable to overcome the wave of progressivism in the popular vote.
My sincere thanks to those who, despite their state being chided by some as “backwoods and redneck”, did their part to prove otherwise. Again!
We love you, too!
Ok Dems, you got two years to make something of this, to change people’s lives in a significant way and make sure people know it. Don’t fuck it up. Not that it’s going to be easy…
Ha ha ha ha ha ha HA!
(oh wait, you were serious?)
…oh my sweet summer child…
In other news person asks one side of coin to be significantly different than the other.
I know this comes off as somewhat dickish to you personally, and it’s definitely not meant that way. But, after everything we’ve seen, it’s pretty fair to say that we can’t expect earth shattering change from the Dems. It’s almost like they have the same moneyed bosses as the repubs…
Impeach the motherfucker
Yes, in that I’m saying that’s what they need to do, not that I expect they’ll actually do it. I was going to end it with something like, “But no doubt you’ll fuck it up as per usual” but I decided to convey some pollyannaish optimism and leave that bit out, so as not to be a total bummer.
Unfortunately the VP is still the tiebreaker in the Senate and the new one isn’t sworn in yet.
GEORGIA: “We did our part; your turn!”
He might be in a little bit more of a mood for it than he was when he woke up this morning…