March 5, 1954 in Mobile, AL. It all came to a head at a lunch counter called “Mabel’s Luncheonette” and involved a fight between the guy who was gonna make the grilled cheese and the guy who was folding the egg whites for the lemon meringue pie.
“Cooking diary, 2016, June 26th.: Kitchen became engulfed in flames upon my sixth attempt at using the recommended turner to flip a frittata. Have decided to no longer heed advice from northpaws.”
Our silicon spatulas (used for scraping out jars/bowls not for flipping pancakes) have also acquired a “soapy” smell/taste. Why do dishwasher machine detergents have overbearing smells? I like my clothes smelling like a summer day when they come out of the dryer, but my dishes should have zero odor when they come out of the dishwasher. My plate smell shouldn’t compete with the food.