Originally published at: PBS warns of "inflammatory rhetoric" that could cause "acts of violence" during on-air Donald Trump rant | Boing Boing
Better late than never, I guess…
He needs a “toxic rhetoric” warning label tattooed on his forehead, Snow Crash style.
“I will totally obliterate the deep state,” he continued. “We will obliterate the deep state,”
Frighteningly easy to replace the phrase “deep state” with “democracy”
That’s the secret…the “Deep State” IS democracy, democratic ideals, and honoring oaths made to/on the Constitution, etc etc etc. You know, like those people who reported the vote counts as they occurred, rather than “find 11,780 votes.”
Why not a policy that cuts him off the air after his first caught lie. Why even let him on at all come to think of it His whole life has been a lie and he’s too deranged to let loose. The nations rights override his wrongs.
what i don’t get is - if they acknowledge that fact - why did they still broadcast the whole thing?
Dude better learn how to make a shiv.
Funny, I don’t think I’d ever even heard the phrase “Deep State” until Donald Trump came into power the first time and Republicans subsequently needed an explanation for why he wasn’t able to deliver on any of his campaign promises.
and we will get reelected, we have no choice, we’re not going to have a country anymore
Reading it only as transcribed, not as intended, he’s admitting that his forced reelection would be the end of the country.
The problem is that I completely ignore chyrons. They’re usually just a distraction from what I’m watching. I’m sure that’s true for a lot of people. They should put important chyrons like this one in the center of the screen, over the face of whoever’s talking.
Statistics show people usually get hurt by their own weapons.
It’s a risk I’m willing to take.
He’ll misunderstand Shop Class, seeing as he’s never managed to buy class all his life.
I think there’s enough forehead space beneath his ridiculous hair awning for BOTH.