Peak Bill O'Reilly: “Confederate flag represents bravery,” not racist hate

Polls show that 60% of people in SC think the flag is OK, including 40% of blacks.
Bill O’Reilly’s statement is consistent with what most people think. I’d say the
real problem is with people who want to find some racial issue with anything
and everything. It’s only further dividing the country. I say it’s up to the people
of SC as to what they want to do. I’m comfortable with that.

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Caught that article off of the twitter the other day–great stuff. Ta-Nehisi Coates is also burning up…the intertubes:

Taking down the Confederate flag isn’t a question of manners—t’s a matter of history


Kindly produce these polls.


And don’t forget that this push to remove the Confederate flag was called a “Stalinist purge” by, IIRC, Ted Cruz’s campaign manager. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why the hell any American would support the Confederate flag.


Gawker offered these thoughts on that stupid-ass concoction of stupidity:


You’re still here?! Is someone paying you to post such copypasta?

Polls show that 60% of people in SC think the flag is OK, including 40% of blacks.

Just because you keep saying that doesn’t mean it’s true.

Bill O’Reilly’s statement is consistent with what most people think.

Most white people, maybe. No–some white people.

I’d say thereal problem is with people who want to find some racial issue with anything and everything. It’s only further dividing the country.

Please look up “Racism 101.” You’re just plain ignorant.


I thought that it represented givin’ the law a run fer their money in a shed smashin’, chicken coop bustin, axel poundin’ race around the county.

But yeah, when lookin’ fer a decent pic I discovered that they’re gonna stop making toys of the General Lee cos of this whole hootenanny. You can still buy models of nazi tanks though, right?

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Before the statue there was a sign on that strip of land that said “Owner DENIED use of this land by Mayor…” followed by a lengthy diatribe I can’t remember. It always struck me as hilariously stupid that the sign placement meant Kershaw was allowed to use the land. He might have had some other purpose in mind that didn’t fit with local zoning laws, but even then he was determined not to let facts interfere with his desire to play victim.

Kudos to Gawker for getting close-ups that show just how horrendous the statue is. Sadly because it’s placed next to a major interstate most people only see it from a distance as they pass by at high speed. They will miss the fine detail.


That truly is some very fine detail.

It’s like a parody of itself.


Well, I guess if the majority is in favor of something, it can’t possibly be wrong!

Jesus, have you ever even heard of how this problem works?


Yes! Why shouldn’t the country be able to unite around a symbol of states that wanted to break away from the union? Oh, wait…


That is not the expression of a sane man. Whatever racist atrocities Nathan Bedford Forrest commited can clearly be handwaved by his mental illness.

And is that statue made of cheap plastic or something?


What does this flag represent?


The neocons read 1984. Then they decided to use it as a textbook. Two minute hate? Not enough.


Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose:


Wait, you’re accusing Bill O’Reilly of racism, but then you go and fling a racial epithet at Juan Williams? Juan earns your racist “uncle tom” badge because you disagree with him and he’s black? Tell me I’m missing something here.

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Sadly, I found the poll the recently-banned commenter was blathering about, but it doesn’t exactly say what s/he desired it to say (about 3/4 of the way through the link):

I also found polling from last week that indicates opinions have changed:


It seems to me that what you’re missing is an understanding of how, as a black person clearly chosen by FOX because he’s black, Williams performs work against the interests of most, and maybe all, black Americans.


I might be wrong on this, but I BELIEVE that observation was made by Larry Wilmore who hosts the show immediately after Jon Stewart.

(Of course, attributing the point to Stewart will immediately make it seem more valid).

Right, that’s what I was afraid of. I don’t imagine you have an equivalent racist label for white commentators you disagree with. I also don’t imagine you’d have the courage to deliver your racist label to him in person – only from the safe distance of an internet forum.

I’m sorry for the angry post, but this kind of double standard just absolutely infuriates me.

EDIT: removed some unnecessary invective.