Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/04/09/pence-wont-let-public-health.html
Guess the Cheeto-in-Chief is going through withdrawal now he can’t hold his beer hall putsches.
I think this is the Q-Tip’s call. I can’t imagine that Trump cares at all if CNN cuts away after he speaks.
Enjoying life in Soviet U.S.A.?
This has an easy solution. CNN should just stop showing the briefing altogether. We would all be better (and possibly smarter) for the absence.
They should have done this weeks ago.
It’s pure propaganda coming from the WH.
Perhaps CNN should subcontact this to theonion.com.
Makes you wonder why they bother with even the pretense of having a reason.
Do they say when CNN has to air the briefings? Can they save them for the middle of the night? In 2030?
Maybe it’s time for all the serious news outlets to boycott Trump’s briefings, leaving only Fox and OAN (who will pitch him ridiculous softball questions.)
no. not really
Nice to see we’ve gotten past politicizing the pandemic. /s
The Banana Republicans aren’t pretending any more (just look at them!).
Update, @xeni
I was wondering how such a demand could even be legal (not that laws mean much anymore.)
Air the briefing with running fact checks. It’s how I watch the ones I watch.
they should just explain that they do air the briefings even if they don’t. they should get lots of experts on to reiterate that they do air the briefings and always have. they should talk up how good their coverage is. better ratings than the super bowl. 15 million viewers created.
or, i guess, let joe biden ramble for the same amount of time in the interest of “fairness”. could be like a rambling contest.
CNN could just farm out the tapes to some local access TV in Antarctica or Guantanamo Bay. Call it a day.
We are being groomed to accept that a 9/11’s worth of death per day, EVERY DAY is perfectly fine.
Not to mention hundreds of thousands on ventilators that will never be the same again even if they “recover”