Sodas are unhealthy. If you were to put raw meat into my soda, I would not drink it. Therefore, this action would have healthy consequences?
I think you owe me a co-
You know, never mind.
This (disgusting to me) concept appears to have done it’s job. We’re now talking about one brand of cola drink in association with christmas, instead of the other brand of cola drink, which normally has a lock on this association.
Which of course is completely wrong, since hot lemon Coke with ginger is both festive and delicious
seriously, milk & pepsi/coke isn’t bad. it’s kinda chocolately. it’s not like i’d drink it all the time, but it’s not nearly as bad as everyone thinks it is.
Stop trying to make boiled coke with ginger and lemon a thing!
j/k, after your last mention I decided I will probably try it
I like cream in Dr pepper. It makes a really nice creamy frothy soda shop type drink.
It’s a very fetching drink…
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