Perfect toilet-paper dispensing machine

Yes. I got that. That’s why it was terrible. I got the sarcasm. Did you not notice the emoji? Yikes.

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Emoji? Emoticon?

I don’t even know tbh but that wasn’t even the point. Way to ignore my actual point though lol.

This invention is not required if you upgrade to this toilet paper:

…available in white, brown or red.


I spent altogether too long thinking about the pros and cons of this.


When I first saw it, I spent a couple of minutes wondering if we are the suckers who are missing out on this revolution in comfort and efficiency.

/me shrugs.

Well, diapers were meant to be reused, so why shouldn’t toilet paper… uh toilet rags?

…because baby shits are more manageable than adult shits? :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad I can always bring a touch of class to discussions here.

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No way.

Really needs zippers or velcro between each section to be truly convenient.

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Or just clean up with a spray of water and bare left hand, then have a good soap and water hand wash after —like a significant portion of the world does anyway. Much less waste that way. :wink:

Or keep a mussel shell in your pocket a la Pepys.

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