Philando Castile's death a reminder Second Amendment and NRA campaigns don't apply to Black Americans

I’ve never felt threatened by police anywhere outside North America

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So I had an upsetting disagreement today with an extended family member, who has been exposed to and believes some ugly narrative where the police are justifiably responding to a rising trend of attacks. “Things are getting out of hand, the cops have to shoot first and ask questions later,” etc.

Can anyone please point me to a news source that

  1. Appears “mainstream” and not suspiciously “leftie/liberal”
  2. Objectively details the FACTS of the Garner, Brown, Crawford etc. cases (as well as the murder of Philando Castile)
    So that I can help my friend overcome this attitude?

Something like a Wikipedia page would be ideal. The guy would not be very politically aware or media savvy. Thanks in advance.

Oh, don’t get me wrong - the police here can be rather frightening and the omertà within the LEAs is a thing. But I can be pretty sure that police officers know (and normally observe) my rights* and the “shoot first” method is effectively non-existent.

* The minimally trained auxiliary police in Germany is still an exception, but I fear a change for the worse.


They chronicle each media report of a police officer killing a citizen.


Thanks very much.

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German cops shot dead 29 persons in this period.

I think this chart is interesting, displaying number of casualties in Germany between 1990 and 2015. Blue are kills by the police, red are killed LEOs**. Team Blue is leading : )

* source, the page is run by a prof of the Hessian police college
** without accidents and similar, only homicide/murder cases

Sadly, that was the second time today I posted a link to the site. Keep in mind that these are the killings for which media reports exist, I have little doubt that there are more which won’t make the news.


I just noticed that on the Dallas thread! Good on you though, no harm to share it widely.

For anyone else looking for similar info/reminders, I’ve found the links to named victims near the top of the Wikipedia BLM page are a good starting point. What I’d really like to find is a moderate, fact-based article in a brandname mainstream publication which acknowledges and explains the ongoing systemic killing of black people (and others) by out-of-control police officers.

Team Blue is “winning” in the US by a margin of 57:1 (stats from 2015):


I notice that after they disarm and take the guy exercising his rights into custody, and they retrieve the rifle, that there are still guns drawn and a defensive posture remains against the pregnant camerawoman at the end of the video.

The thin blue line is broken. Chaos and anarchy are winning under the current enforcement regime.


Well, there were definitely armed partisans near MLK in Memphis one fateful day. At least one armed partisan, at least.

sorry about the smiley. I feel more comfortable with cynicism, the alternative would be despair.


I’m not sure what the four letter word is there to emphasize.



Even if you come in “right” in attitude at the start, there are very strong social norms at work there which make it very hard to stay and not become susceptible to the standard operating procedures and attitudes.

@nickpheas yes, everything reported so far seems to indicate Philando was a GGWAG. If there is no body cam we won’t ever know how confusing or contradictory the officer’s orders were that led to Philando’s death. In this case there doesn’t seem to be a violation of either of the two cardinal sins - failure to obey and contempt of cop.

@moosemalloy Best layout of the facts is probably going to come from some libertarianish publication, but those are often labelled as liberal by the “cons. right”. Maybe just emphasize that many of these deaths are from incidents related to really minor infractions like Philando’s broken tail light or Garner selling cigarettes. As a conservative, it appeals to his knowledge on over-regulation.

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The NRA has issued the following statement:

As the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights organization, the NRA proudly supports the right of law-abiding Americans to carry firearms for defense of themselves and others regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation.
The reports from Minnesota are troubling and must be thoroughly investigated. In the meantime, it is important for the NRA not to comment while the investigation is ongoing.
Rest assured, the NRA will have more to say once all the facts are known.

So…are you guys going to print a retraction? Or are clicks more important than the truth?


Let’s revisit your suggestion when all the facts are known. :wink:


That’s never stopped them before. Why now? Very curious.

So you are disappointed with BoingBoing?


I’m not disappointed… this sort of clickbait headline is exactly what I’ve come to expect.

[quote=“ficuswhisperer, post:58, topic:81110, full:true”][quote=“justaguy, post:56, topic:81110”]
In the meantime, it is important for the NRA not to comment while the investigation is ongoing.
That’s never stopped them before. Why now? Very curious.[/quote]
Actually it has stopped them before – often.

The NRA is a multi-million member organization. They don’t want to be rash
in their public statements, but I can tell you that this shooting, if as
unjustified as it appears, will definitely be a cause they would champion.
I, and many other 2nd amendment folks that I’ve seen and talked to see this
as a violation of an American’s basic rights. Articles like this that
express cynicism against groups like the NRA risk turning away people of
all skin shades who are willing to add their voices in protest.

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