Photo: Coronavirus task force takes decisive action at White House

They are all far right so that doesn’t really narrow things down.


And that is reflected in the makeup of this clown show


“How much is your life worth?” asks everyone in this administration.


Just more of the Trump mafia-style protection racket. “Nice life you have there. Shame if something were to happen to it.”


I wonder how many – if any – there are actually atheists and just want to fit in because, hey! it’s a job.


you know - I am starting to understand their sorrow - they want the world to be a religious one (their own religion) and they want it to come first…and be part of the fabric of every action…but the greater society has moved away from it and in places ridicules it. and that hurts their feelings… In my heart I’m with those who saw this picture of their heads down and immediately thought they are a bunch of idiots. and I feel bad, because I want them to have their beliefs if they want them…but I feel it the same way I think we should leave island tribes alone…or simpletons…or children…or aliens (like prime directive style)…but their beliefs are not germane to disease control I think (its been proven right?)…and these people really think, according to their beliefs, that there is one bright line path to follow and it is the only path…I envy them a little…but my personal belief is that no righteous god really would care one way or the other if you believe in a specific thing or not beyond being a decent person. hmmp. this fight is going to continue for my lifetime. I just say we give up and give them what they want. I’m tired of the strife.

Um…Fuck no.


The first inclination of the administration was to pay for additional CDC funding with cuts to aid for the poor.

I’m no religious scholar, but they either need to pray a lot more or pray a lot less because whatever divine inspiration they are claiming is nothing I’ve heard in my 16 years of Christian education.


I think it’s the epistle writer James who explains that all the prayers in the world are useless unless you actually DO something to benefit your neighbor. Check your Bible.


Matthew 6:6–Jesus says, “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”


The news conference would support that. At least they brought in someone with public health experience.

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I hear you - but, and I am mixing it w/ other emotions I’m having lately as a minority…I’m never going to get to a place in my lifetime where I’m considered a regular american, for example…someone is always going to ask me “where are you really from”…so I guess I’m just mixing it up in my head… no one is ever going to know about my religious holidays…I either bore everyone by offering them info they don’t care about…or just keep my mouth shut and let them inundate me w/ merry xmases etc…and I guess I’m mixing that up w/ all the other nonsense like right to life etc…the arguments pro and against are made up of people for and against christianity, which I am not a part of, so … anyone - I guess it doesn’t matter…and what I’m writing makes no sense anyway … I’m just tired of always fighting…


So if there is someone on the task force who isn’t Christian, or maybe is, but isn’t comfortable with public prayer, they’re the asshole? No. This kind of prayer at work in the public sector is wrong; it’s a public shaming ritual for those who don’t fit the prevailing religious zeal of the group. What’s even scarier is if every person in that room is religion-compatible with Mike Pence. That definitely means that they don’t have the experts in the room needed for the task force.


Oh hellz NO!

Let them eat strife.


so is it faith shaming to say it is ridiculous to think the earth was created in seven days? what am I supposed to do w/ someone who thinks this? hey - believe what you want is generally my goto, but that is f’ing ridiculous. any religion that forces you to give up rationality is a sham…sorry…and it can’t be faith shaming to point out ridiculous beliefs. most or all religious and just full of them though.

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At the workplace? Yes. At home, out with your friends, when you’re doing your own thing, sure. But at a government job, keep it to yourself, and that goes for everyone, frankly.


Color me unreassured.


I get the feeling you don’t know many Christians like Pence. However beyond that, asking everyone to pray the disease away or begging for wisdom or whatever they’re doing is ridiculous in the context of running a god damned nation. Separation of church and state is a basic tenet man. How do you think the only Muslim or Buddhist in the room would feel under these circumstances?


I really doubt that the meeting ended immediately after the prayer.

But I feel fairly confident in asserting that their absolute zenith of productivity had been reached well before anyone said “Amen.”