Pitting 11,000 virtual vicious penguins against 4,000 murderous virtual Santas

Troll running through the troops test.

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Do you think that’s partly because participating in a “human wave” battle strategy is so hard to imagine in this era and our parts of the world? Even as late as WW2 some armies needed “friendly” machine guns at their backs to spur suicidal charges.

I wonder if a generally greater familiarity with death, via child mortality and unchecked disease and the like, would make one’s own life more disposable, psychologically. Nobody fighting under Leonidas or William Wallace hadn’t already seen death in scores beforehand, just from surviving to adulthood.

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The South shall rise again against Northern aggression.



Are you suggesting an virtual orgy with 15000 participants?

I don’t know whether to be sickened or start a Kickstarter campaign.

ETA - Poll below :wink:

I think war, in general, is very hard to visualize unless you were there. Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers are two recent examples that attempted to make the battle realistic. Though, again, you can only do so much as far as scope in the number of people and the SIZE of the battle. Omaha Beach alone had 43000 infantry land on a beach size over TWO MILES long with as many as 5000 dead over the course of a day. Something like that is impossible to portray accurately over the course of a ~20 min scene in a ~2hr movie. It did do a good job of capturing the the overall feel of the event and the horrors of war.

Ancient battles were even more brutal and varied as you had special classes of warriors, archers, infantry, pikemen, knights, cavalry, etc.


This is what happens when Arthur Carlson is your general.




Which do you choose?

Oh wait - start a poll:

Concept: 15000 member virtual orgy:

  • Sickened
  • Start a funding campaign to make it so

0 voters


There is no peace among the trees; only a holiday season of carnage and slaughter and the laughter of the festive gods.

Blood for the Yule God!

(That said, was anyone else a trifle surprised at how rough this was as ‘tech demo’ material? “navigate complex terrain” seemed to involve an awful lot of suicidal cliff-falls; including ones on paths with no plausible ‘correct’ outcome available; and ‘movement and avoidance improved and smoothed’ looked a lot like 'clipping extremely weakly enforced, with only lethal falls and “don’t walk through a hostile” as reasonably hard limits. Compare to something like this(only ~2,000 combatants; and quite possibly some stage-management; but executed within the constraints of 2011’s Skyrim; ~ roughly 20,000 combatant Total War scene; or any of a variety of ‘great battles of Skyrim’/‘Skyrim Machinima’ footage.

Speaking as a relatively pitiful script-bodger, I certainly don’t want to minimize the difficulty of getting adequate-and-computationally-feasible pathing out of large numbers of independent agents; especially if you are refraining from use of clever-but-stage-managed fakery; I’m just surprised to see tech demo footage that, to my untrained eye, looks less impressive at what it is tech demoing than what people are doing with 5 year old games. Doesn’t mean I’m not up for more holiday carnage; but it was a surprise.)


I’d certainly prefer to stay at a safe distance from either; but I wouldn’t necessarily bet on the superior brutality of the ‘hacked limb-from-limb’ tech level compared to what high explosives and high velocity projectiles are good for; never mind a situation where war gasses, flamethrowers/incendiaries, or thermobaric munitions are on the table. (I’m going to leave googling “highway of death Ken Jarecke” to the reader’s discretion; but I can’t shake the opinion that the hapless bastard burned alive while trying to crawl out of his vehicle might have preferred losing a sword fight.)


Loads of this stuff on youtube but i like the fallout 4 battles.

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The North Pole, being an ice cap, not solid land, is pretty free of rocks (and soon will just be ocean), but the South Pole doesn’t have any vegetation of any kind (it’s technically one of the driest deserts on Earth). Wherever this is, it’s neither of those places.


This is obviously orthogonal to the point of the video; but when you have a giant flying base, ample Vertibirds; and a nice, mostly solid, concrete airport; it seems like nothing short of outright murder to send your troops out to meet the deathclaws…

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The penguins are hitting the ground like sacks of wet cement!


Oh the humanity!


Probably south because the santanistas were out of supply and previously forced to eat their reindeer cavalry.


The santa’s red glare, the penguins bursting in air…


The BBC had a show 10-15 years ago where they sort of did this. It was called Time Commanders, and they partnered with The Creative Assembly to use their Total War game engine to recreate major battles, with a team of contestants leading one of the armies. I only saw a couple of episodes, and seem to remember it taking itself a little too seriously, but it might be worth looking it up on youtube if you’re into that sort of thing.


Looks interesting.

…and that’s what Christmas is all about.