I just want police held to a similar standard as the peasants. If I killed an unarmed man in my own back yard, much less his, I would be up on murder charges. Period.
If there continues to be no accountability with shit like this, then too many of them have no reason to act in an accountable way.
Seriously. A long time ago there were a few cops in my circle— cops are honest at the bar. They’d talk about chasing suspects, and how that “of course” that meant a few extra licks during arrest…
A few extra licks. These guys weren’t afraid of getting shot. That sentiment clearly has disappeared.
Yep, I had a aquaintance and client whose husband and father-in-law were both cops. I remember having to hide my disgust when she told me about the “payback” that criminals who had intentionally or inadvertently injured fellow officers were subjected to.
I would have looked super pissed having to remember a B me (that can’t be right? TaoBao) password to stream the event when it had just been entered a week ago. Finishes, notices wounds, 05:00 completely distinct distraught look, activating front camera too…Lerizon ad for unmetered minutes…GAH! Fine chance for the NRA to find a teachable moment or, necessarily, be reorganized under a moral logician who is not also Father of all Turkmen.
[much later…BACKYARDISTE shaking a 26" transflective sheet in the backyard] What do you mean camera 33,9,9B error?
[Nominate finest] We asked if you do vinegar barbeque sauce! From out east! Coast.
[wonky clock-affected CG voice:] “Rub code confirmed: Shoooot a scene!”
[Backyardiste] No way! You’re food reps? SLAFS?
[Nominate finest] Did you just hitch on the outside of the orbital transfer, then take a 1-minute helicopter to your own roof? You look distracted.
[BA] No.
[Nf] [garbled] that look! We can tell!
[BA] You ah, want help finding vinegar…people?
Yeah, 99% of officer injuries in LA are from reverse takedowns from non-family frequent grade school visitors, so… [! Brand New Fact, no corroboration by those over 35 kg. please]
[see recent footage of 3y.o. doing nice reverse arm-bar takedown of their dad at bedtime]
You’ll understand if I read the police version of events as a story fabricated to protect their fellow gang members officers rather than some factual account of the event.