Police training eagles to take down drones

While I would question the prudence, since a bird could get hurt, have you seen an eagle talon?

They are hard, scaled, and designed for fast hard impact and defense against prey striking back. A small rotor blade is going to be pretty easy to stop (though I’d worry about larger quadcopters).


Toy grade quads, no problem!!! Really anything hobby grade and up is going to cause horrific injuries. It’s a terrible, terrible idea.

Yeah, there’s too many risks to think this is a good idea, nobody in their right mind would want to see an eagle injured. It’s hard to say what size of blade/power of engines would be the danger point against the bird, and don’t think that’s knowledge worth learning. I think it would be more effective to have the eagles go after the face of the drone operator.

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Sad that the police need to do this and put the lives of the animals in the path of possible injuries. Larger and larger drones are going to be used let alone actual rc choppers.

All that’s really needed is a side scanning ultrasound device and a quick acting program to roll the drone/chopper away from the bird. The computer can take care of recovery and evasion.

Easy countermeasures.

  • face shield
  • control the drone from a car, it’s an eagle-resistant tank
  • fly the thing over 4G cellphone connection, from arbitrary distance

That’s only the passive ones. Then there is a wide set of possible active ones…

I smell franchise crossover potential…


That might do less good that you might think, since an eagle strike could fracture your skull. Full helmet and body armor would help, though. Also the authorities are not going to send in attack eagles against humans, no matter how awesome the visuals might be.

Yes, there are better anti-drone measures than eagle-assault. Like posted signs that say “Caution, unauthorized drone operators may suffer from fractured skulls, severe lacerations, or car impoundment.”

And are hard!

This reminds me of Short Circuit Plot LOTR:

“OK,” said Gandalf, “Here’s the plan. We send the hobbits off with the fake ring, which is just an invisibility ring I cooked up. Then when the Nazgul are all after them, Gwalior here takes the real ring, pops it into Mount Doom and is home for lunch.”

“What about the hobbits?” asked Aragorn.

“Well, if they’re lucky the Ring gets dropped before they get eaten, and if not, well, it’s not like hobbits are an endangered species.”

Introducing very large eagles into any scenario is a potential plot changer, but Tolkien was only interested in the Dark Ages and wasn’t too hot on air power.



The Scots poet Dr. Murray Grieve (“Hugh Macdiarmid”) has a poem about a leopard attacking an eagle, which ends thus:

“Syne higher nor higher the eagle fleetit
The leopard died in the fa’,
And aye the mockan-birds were threepan
“Thon is the naitural law!””

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Then we need smaller drones to take out the eagles, and then smaller birds to take out those, and then…

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How about a neural link to an implant in the birdie? You could have a remote-controlled eagle. Best of both worlds.


I’m sure that the police will just breed another bird to deal with larger quadcopters


So, a sort of… drone?


An eagle borg drone that assimilated the flying toys, adding the quadrotor’s technological distinctiveness its own might have down sides.


I can’t think of any right now, so let’s give the project a green light!


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