Poll shows Warren now leading in Iowa

This isn’t why I’m cheering for this news about warren. I’m terrified that a Biden candidacy means an unenthusiastic election. I think Bernie supporters could be enthusiastic for warren and vice versa, but I can see a lot of people who support Bernie losing interest or just barely being able to drag themselves to the polls for a Biden campaign. We need a real progressive this time. Preferably one with less political and financial baggage.


I’ve always liked the idea of a Warren/Booker ticket


That’s interesting, because I see Sanders as less vulnerable to 45’s attacks than Warren for a few different reasons.

With Warren as a candidate, you know how Trump is going to attack. It’s going to be all Pocahontas and misogyny all the time. And that combination of fake scandal and hatred worked last time, to the detriment of humanity.

On the other hand, Sanders is going to get what? Red scare tactics? Republicans try that on every single Democratic opponent they face, and it seems to be less effective as time goes on and the cold war fades into history. Bernie also neutralises the “outsider” thing that Trump relied on in 2016, and going full nazi and attacking him for being Jewish is (hopefully) beyond the pale for American politics, though I’m really quite displeased that I had to qualify that last bit.


You may be right. I dunno. There’s a calculated risk with every candidate and I have no idea how to quantify any of it. My mom, who is conservative but hates Trump, has admitted to a gut dislike for Warren that I can’t argue away and she thinks Bernie is charming. I’ll honestly be happy with warren or sanders. I’m just happy one of the two of them is at least making Biden not look completely inevitable.

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I had real concerns about Warren when she took that ridiculous DNA test thinking that would somehow serve her well, BUT since that time, she has run an incredibly disciplined and focused campaign that has put out more well-considered policy proposals than a lot campaigns do in their entirety. She’s running a tight ship and that says a lot about her ability to respond and maintain her message in the face of Trump’s nonsense.

If Sanders wins, I’ll support/donate to/vote for him without reservation, of course, but I think Warren is the stronger candidate with a better chance of implementing more of her policy goals than Sanders at this point.


I think that isn’t much of a difference for any of the candidates. Even Biden would be labelled socialist by the GOP. Obamacare, which was a massive gift to the health insurance industry, has been labelled “socialist.” Remember, truth doesn’t matter to them.


If you’re talking about health, Warren gets a ten-year bonus over Biden and Bernie just by being a woman.


That being said, the age of all leading candidates from both parties is a legitimate concern. If we went by the actuarial tables none of them are even likely to be ALIVE nine years from now, much less in good physical and mental health. People brought up this concern about Reagan when he ran for office at age 69, and guess what? Those people were right.

Warren’s odds do look better than the others though.


I mostly just don’t want that Trump fellow to win. I don’t much care for him.


Then you haven’t been paying attention. Warren is the only candidate who’s been steadily rising in the polls.


I wish that were true, but nowadays even Bible thumpers can’t rely on “We support Israel” shtick to deflect from their obvious white supremacy. Israel’s left wing won the election and is averse to working with that crowd.


Rabid passion did not help Sanders win in the 2016 primary. He definitely has a loud and passionate online support base, but we’ve been seeing for a while now that the internet makes loud and passionate people seem far more numerous than they actually are – and that online support is easy, but actually getting out and voting is another thing.

Probably not a Blue Dog, but someone a bit more centrist, younger, and likely PoC (and in Sanders’ case, likely a woman) is to be expected.


The word “Senate” actually means something like “the old people” in Latin

Maybe we could convince politicians that being a senator was something for them to do after being president, and recruit presidential candidates from, you know, other places

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