Possible future US president Ted Cruz says he traded classic rock for country because 9/11

He is not.

(Please repeat this false claim. I would love to see a ridiculous birther debacle cast the other direction.)

(Oh how I love modern politics. So much better than scripted television.)

I changed my brand of cigarettes after 9/11. Somehow, smoking Lucky Strikes didnā€™t feel right anymore.


Eh. Iā€™d prefer to have a track record clearly demonstrating GOP supporters are more likely to stoop to cheap attacks based on misinformation and xenophobia than the other side. Itā€™s not as much fun voting against them when everybody does it.


That is indeed a curious intellect.



Well, the Canal Zone was an ā€œOutlying Territoryā€ of the United States, but your point is taken.


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Interesting readā€¦ I always suspected my area station played a disproportionate number of Def Leppard songs.

There is an exception for those born before the US was founded which covers all the first Presidents:

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United
States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be
eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be
eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of
thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United


Maybe Ted no longer recognized classic rock for a reason:


I usually say that McCain hasnā€™t done one admirable thing in his life (you look closely at any of his actions and theyā€™re suspect) but this actually is. Itā€™s the exact opposite of pandering.


2001 Clear Channel memorandum

Wow, thatā€™s some seriously chilling propaganda work by Clear Channel. And I donā€™t even understand their intention in most cases. I can understand banning AC/DCā€™s ā€œTNTā€ right after a bombing, Louis Armstrongā€™s version of What A Wonderful World? Or Alanis Morissetteā€™s Ironic? The fuck?


Iā€™ve been trying to figure out who Cruz reminds me ofā€¦ thereā€™s something so familiar about him.



This is something that makes me hate people sometimes. I wish humans werenā€™t so damn tribal when it comes to music- I love music because it tickles my brain and pulls on my heart in just the right spot, but so many other people use it as a cultural self-identification tool, a way of finding and communing with members of their tribe, and a way of keeping others out. Way too utilitarian and exclusionary for my taste.

Oh, and while everyone is freaking out over the prospect of Cruz running, look on the bright side, thereā€™s a consolation prize:


Iā€™m gonna change that ā€œyouth ministerā€ part to fraud-spewing historical revisionist nationalist theocrat.


Well, she certainly terrorized proper grammar with that song.


Ted Cruz with his face gymnastics: itā€™s his over-the top-gimmick to mimic sincerity; and the scary thing is, it actually works on some people.


Iā€™m not saying I would have voted for him if his campaign slogan had been Take a Chance on Me, but it would have turned my head.


You asked for the wretched refuse of our teeming shore. Donā€™t think weā€™re not grateful.
(Labattā€™s 50 is the Pabst Blue Ribbon of Canada.)


Heā€™s got about the same chance of being elected as Billy Ray Cyrus, so thatā€™s fine.

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OMGā€¦so many memories flooding back from the summer '79 road trip listening to this song on the broken car 8-track player stuck on repeat.

Excuse me while I go stab my eardrums with a forkā€¦


Calm down. Itā€™s early days yet, and the first to declare is the first to get attacked from all sides. I doubt either he or Clinton will be a nominee after a year of partisan and intra-partisan mudslinging and scandal-mining.

On the music question, I know plenty of people who have changed their musical taste when they became more aware of the predominant politics of a genre or as their politics changed. I know people who drifted away from country as they became more liberal, from rap as they became more conservative, and death metal as they got older.

And I canā€™t resist giving my most effective answer to the Birthers (one that actually made a couple come to their senses):
If he had not been a citizen, Hilary, with her connections and ruthlessness, would have found out and made sure the proof got out, thereby handing her the Presidency. Much like the Soviets would have shouted it to the world if their radar had shown them that the Moon landings werenā€™t really happening. You just have to trust enemies to be enemies.