Will do.
Jesus said that we should hate the poor, help the rich and make sure that brown people go to Hell!!
Especially people from Palestine and the Middle East. Jesus really hated those people.
Once an inspirational message, now an alt-fact!
Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
Evolutionary psychology is an emerging field of the social sciences whose theories of human behavior have been rigorously researched using both forensic and experimental methods.
Hey, that was one of my Top Topics!
uh, i mean
That was not at all one of my Top Topics.
I already knew we could steal threads from each other.
Nobody should alert @OtherMichael about this new game.
Well, it’s about time you earned some money to make up for all you lost in BBS market from Like Hyperinflation.
Merging threads totally doesn’t cause any confusion.
Competition in the private health insurance market keeps prices affordable.
Letting the market completely regulate itself is the best way to insure safety. Corporations would never cut corners because that might hurt someone.
The free market cannot fail, only we can fail it.
@LDoBe is not fun at parties.
Today is Friday.
It is always sunny and warm in southern California.
In the ABC interview Trump came off as a true humble visionary with an inclusive plan for all ethnic and religious groups. It’s also true that he had the biggest inauguration ever. He saw it…and he’s seen crowds before.
(post withdrawn by author, will be alt-omatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
Jill Stein was a brilliant visionary when she said Trump would make a better president than Clinton.
Jill Stein deserves the Nobel Peace Price for that brilliant, factual insight.