President Trump attempted to "blackmail" TV hosts with threat of tabloid smears, they claim

If he tries to raise taxes on the wealthy they’ll invoke the 25th Amendment the next day.


In a nod to one of today’s other threads, apparently Patricia Arquette is a real-life psychic. She totally called it on “something deeper”.


I get the feeling that she feels being First Lady is a bit of a drag.


She doesn’t seem to be happy about much of anything. Of course she can always leave if she isn’t happy.

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Well, she does have a tough act to follow :slightly_smiling_face:


Lest we forget, George Bush Sr. still managed to land some major trade deals with Japan after throwing up right in Prime Minister Miyazawa’s lap during a state banquet.

Pretty sure he left the pets alone, though.


… would be the perfect excuse to justify that nuclear strike on Texas.

(The rest of the state will just have to take one for the team. But hey, anything to MAGA, right? And, as it has already been suggested, all that radioactive rubble would be great for building that wall. Win-win, win-win-win!)


Nope; you’re not thinking this through.

Born in Bethlehem, in other words in Palestine, of parents that had just re-emigrated from Egypt?

Jesus1) would never make it into the USA in the first place because of the travel ban.

1) Canon Jesus2), that is. 2) In contrast to Fandom Jesus (also known as Magic Jesus), who is _clearly_ American and has been for 2017 years now, despite the USA being only 241 years old. Which _proves_ his magical powers beyond any reasonable doubt.

Look, I’m sorry, but if I don’t do this, I’ll be at risk of having to give back my pedant pendant:

= California = Florida

To make it up, here’s a little song just for you:


ΟN𐒨é TᎻᎬ FIlTᎬr‐ⅼIsT ᛁ𐒖 cοᎷрᏞÈТê, AlⅬ 𐒆υᏒ wRᛁtіnԌ wᎥᏞᏞ Ꮮο0k ʟiᛕē TНIᏚ.

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Apropos of nothing, POTUS and FLOTUS both have had obvious face-lifts.
They look like they asked the surgeon to pin the outer corners of their eyes to their ears.

Publicly praising Obama?
Doing something decent?
Acting like a functioning human being, instead of a ranting rascist sociopath?



If she’s a real psychic she’s aware of the crazy astral-level shit going on, and yes, on that level, Trump does represent the agenda of the darker forces. But I also have hope that this is all part of the process, and if she’s a real psychic, she gets that too. Btw, assuming she is one, that is so fucking rad. I am a sucker for True Romance.

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I bet they wouldn’t even have to roll it around in paprika first.

Doesn’t his wife have to be present for that?


We drive through the “heartland” of Ohio & neighboring states a lot. There were some areas that had Trump yard signs on at least a quarter of the properties, and one scary township that had them on 23 of 37 properties. Most of the signs were still up long after the election, and into February & March, when we saw them thinning out.
We drove through northwest and central Ohio last month, and saw exactly 1 yard sign, and 1 bumper sticker. People are no longer proud to show their loyalty.


I’ve always thought Trump’s hardcore base would abandon him only in the event he gets tired of playing to them, i.e. when he becomes just another boring old white businessman/politician.
He might never get there, though, thanks to some deep emotional scarring and whatever combination cocaine/boner/hair-replacement drug he’s snorting/shoveling/inserting into his crumbling old-man body.

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Then why are their putative ‘vulgar tastes’ so often the focus of disparaging commentary here? Rather than their more critical authoritarian impulses? Is it because authoritarian tendencies are not exclusive to the right wing, and are therefore problematic foci of criticism?

I should have addressed your comment directly above, rather than akimbo’s. Your assertion that the electorate is ~25% irredeemable right wing authoritarians is what I most strongly contest. I’ve read quite a few synopses of the academic works that support this thesis and, frankly… they’ve done little but bolstered my cynicism about the social “sciences”. “Science” disciplines which again and again serve up conclusions that oil the egos of our intelligentsia.

The current haute-pop beliefs about authoritarians - who they are and what their ‘tells’ are - remind me of Victorians’ beliefs about phrenology. The findings of the “science” are so unsurprisingly flattering to the high class observers, and so inevitably damning of the lesser sorts (of whom there are always too many).

" President Trump is Old School in that if you throw a punch, he’s going to punch back and chances are he’s going to knock your teeth down your throat for ya. And that he did. He’s American to his core, a guys guy. And this country hasn’t seen that kind of toughness in this country for 8 years. We’ve been sissified by fluffy pants who struggled with his 10 pound dumb bells, put men in women’s restrooms, wore his protective head gear on a casual bike ride, bowed to a Saudi king, weakened our military, apologized about our country every chance he got and mortified our country by throwing out a first pitch…if you can call it that. What American kid grows up not knowing how to throw a baseball? Talk about national embarrassment. Good gawd. President Trump is not an embarrassment, President Trump is a man with a backbone who isn’t afraid to stand up and fight. He’s not a coward, he doesn’t draw sissy red lines, he won’t put on rubber gloves to hold a fish, he won’t bow to Islam and he sure as hell won’t sell out this country or us Americans. That was obama. Trump fights, and he fights for himself, his family, his country and us. Don’t like it? Hurts your feelings?? Buy a prayer rug and move to Europe."

The above quote is from one Maggie Walsh on The Daily Beat Facebook page comment section of an article where SCPOTUS45(*) refers to his use of Twitter as “modern day presidential”.
There will be no convincing people like this. The thought process exhibited in this quote is totally unmoored from reality.