President Trump attempted to "blackmail" TV hosts with threat of tabloid smears, they claim

I’ll vote for Ficus, thank you very much.


If anything that’d just further endear him to his core. Trump ain’t no beta cuck, after all. Pence gets out of line, his wife gets Trumped.


… BB is censoring “cuck”…?


I didn’t say it was good idea, just that something that fucked up just might be enough.

Austin, as a blue city in a red state, would be the ‘silver lining’ to the overall atrocity for some; I’m sure.


As with all of these types of stories regarding 45. No. I do not want to hear that you have proof. I want to see it. Make copies. Get your lawyers. Do whatever it takes. SHOW US.


I want to see the preteen Twitter war happen lol

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Jesus having His Second Coming, proving His divinity via miracles that satisfy even the staunchest skeptics (Richard Dawkins, James Randi, etc.), and stating that no one who supports Trump will be allowed into Heaven? Or that His Father will go Old Testament on anyone who remains faithful to Trump?

I wonder if Trump would try to have Him deported as an illegal alien.


Then would it be classified as a Dyson Bingo Board?


Twitter needs to STOP enabling him as some sort of narcissistic actor and start seeing him as as a dictator with ill intent and cut his ass off. Preteens should be the first to uninstall the app.


Made my think of Clark Kent and if he has a worker’s visa


Depends on if it’s Canon Jesus or Fandom Jesus, I guess.


Twitter stopping him would back fire, he needs to be impeached is what needs to happen, and preteens don’t have a life complex enough for social media anyway

what the preteen Twitter war would imply is that a kid is making the fasict mad, and that’s just funny to me, it has very little consequences compared to the other options

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This Trump effect has the potential to be a net benefit to the nation. The imperial Presidency should be curbed.

Alas, no one would miss Florida but Florida.

Well, Cory would probably eulogize Disneyland, but that would be about it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I drove all through the reddest part of flyover last June, when the 2016 campaign was in full swing. Louisiana to Nevada, through east Texas, central Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and Utah. Ostensibly Trump Country. But, I didn’t see all that much pro-Trump boosterism. Certainly less Republican candidate boosterism than was out there for some pretty lackluster guys in years past. I think there were more “Dole” signs out there, back in the day.

I do not think there are all that many genuine “Trumpkins” in the U.S., not even among our elderly ‘likely voters’. A showy, loud, all-over-Twitter-and-Instagram-at-top-volume minority is out there, sure. Clowns, like death or taxes, are always with us. However, the thesis that there are overwhelming, unbeatable hordes of Trump-allegiant voters in the U.S. rather flies in the face of the election results… you know, the recent election where Hillary Clinton ended up ahead by >2% points in the popular vote.

She hauled in the votes from people who were determined to keep Trump out of office. Her narrow losses in the end, may have been due to the widespread belief that she could not lose to such an oaf, coupled with a lack of deep enthusiasm for her, in and of herself.

Most people do not want to be ruled by a bully-shitstain like Trump. Insisting that they do - that they must - because they don’t meet your refined and elevated standards is… an excuse for petulance. And for doing nothing of value to move the nation away from plutocracy.


BB censors words? What in the holy hells?


To clarify, the “them” to which he’s referring is the 25% Know-Nothing base I was discussing, not everyone who voted for Il Douche. In one form or another, they’re the same low-information suckers the GOP has relied upon to make its increasingly slim national popular vote margins since the 1980s. They’re all over the country, but thanks to the broken Electoral College have more power in the areas you passed through.

Unlike the other 75%, they are right-wing authoritarian followers, easily gulled by appeals to racial and religious entitlement and aspirational fantasies. As such, and given the inevitable outcome of their voting for an actual confidence artist in 2016, it is more than mere petulance for @Akimbo_NOT (and myself) to point out that the conservative base doesn’t meet “refined and elevated standards” because vulgar tastes are only the start of the problem.


That’s the weird thing: if it’s being reported by CNN, Reuters, MSNBC, or any major news organization, he’s told his base that it’s automatically not to be trusted. They’re the Weekly World News as far as his base is concerned.

I once pointed a Trump fan at actual video of Trump saying that he fired Comey to stop the Russian investigation. They told me “video can be edited”.

And quite honestly, many of them voted for him for exactly this reason. They liked him when he was a wacky TV personality, and now he’s as endlessly entertaining as they hoped he’d be. Especially when he flicks off the liberals! Oh, those liberals. [cue Hee Haw music]


Given that the Pence-Kobach team have now started in on a massive voter disenfranchisement effort in all 50 states under the cover of preventing voting fraud (how ironic!), I think they’re counting on the end of American democracy to protect them from any potential consequences. That there increasingly are potential consequences to face also provides an ever-more urgent incentive for Republicans to destroy American democracy…

Assuming they haven’t been stricken from the voter rolls…


When the unhappy fuck did that start?


You’ve basically asked for an “Aristocrats” joke, here.