Pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood claims Twin Towers weren't hit by planes: "we got played"

No need to guess. This guy is thoroughly deluded/pilled. He’s already publicly bought into every conspiracy theory out there. Now, he’s indulging himself by perusing through the more disused section of the conspiracy theory library.

Yeah, with Trump its different. With Birther stuff, as with his Election Big Lie, its just a weaponized talking point he knows has traction. And, hey, “It might be true? Who knows?” Albeit, once he is riding the wave of all his supporters, who are parroting back his lies, it must be psychologically tempting to say “Look at all these people! They must be right!”— even though he’s the one who started the lie.

Pretty sure the reason for modifying this reality is about control. You change the factual details — whatever they are — of the original narrative so that only you (and your adherents) now know the Arcane Truth that no one else is privy to. Planes become non-planes. Building fatigue/collapse becomes controlled demolition. Attack on WTC 1/2 is just a diversion for the “real” attack: on WTC 7. Whats fascinating is how these theories come together organically. No one crackpot makes the whole theory. They gel over the course of weeks or months, each little lie accreting to make a whole.


I think because they think the USA are the greatest and bestest country. To make an attack to the greatest for sure the terrorist are the greatest evil masterminds capable to make an overly complicated action.


Not exactly. The whole “money went missing” and “stolen” take on it is, a little bit of a misrepresentation.

The whole thing Cheney was on about was accounting practices and the lack of a system to share and track information between departments. The claim was $2.3 trillion in transactions couldn’t be tracked adequately. Not that that actual number of physical dollars was missing, or stolen, or that no records had been kept. Just that oversight was complicated to the point that you couldn’t properly audit it.

And $2.3t is about 3 years worth of the DOD’s entire budget.

I don’t think the hearings ever happened, but they did reform the systems at fault. Even if they didn’t fix the problem entirely.

That’s sort of why most people are aware of this idea through the conspiracy theory. I don’t really recall it being all that big of a story or scandal at the time. It was a sort of wonky, policy thing. Though weirdly it did boil down to the Hawk’s Hawk Cheney complaining that it wasn’t possible to adequately audit the military.


As Trump likes to say when proffering his own opinion, “Many people are saying…”


That’s straight up News Corp work. “Many people are saying…” is how they frame things they want their people to be saying.


Like “grassy knoll”, “2nd gunman”, “magic bullet” all built up from the act of a former marine marksman with a military surplus bolt action rifle, in a prepared firing position against a target at medium range


Christ, what an asshole.


Alex Jones? I think you mean Bill Hicks! He had a chat with Faux McCartney about how the whole process of making a new identity works.


The theory is that bad press is better than no press.
Say the most outrageous lie as a distraction.


Of course they had to replace the Emergency Broadcast System with the Emergency Alert System so that now the tone activates the Chinese microchips in the COVID chips. The only way to protect yourself is with an admiralty-law fringed flag.


Microchips are a small price to pay for my new magnetic powers and hunger for human brains.


Where will you go to find them?!


I certainly don’t go after political analysts. Do you know how many you have to kill just to get a pound of brains?


And how does CGI show up in real life?
A good friend watched the second plane hit the tower.


I am absolutely astounded that those people can dress themselves, let alone operate motor vehicles.


John Oliver nailed it in 2016 [quoting self]:

[John Oliver shows a picture of a cute lemur clutching a banana] “Donald Trump’s relationship with the truth is like this lemur’s relationship with quantum string theory: ‘Who cares? I’ve got my banana.’”

I believe that some people noticed in school that they didn’t understand the lessons but could get decent marks anyway by regurgitating the correct answers. For them, the praise was more fun than learning. Since then, “truth” hasn’t mattered much because they get rewarded for saying what people wanted to hear, and this fires off a dopamine hit. “Truth” isn’t even a question that comes up.

People like Trump have a gift for saying what people want to hear. Not what your or I particularly want to hear, but those people at the rallies looked pretty happy. I used to wonder how he could lie so easily, but now I believe that he and his circle never wonder about this “truth” thing.


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