As a Navy SEAL, it’s my duty to protect and serve, even when facing the most anti-LGBTIQA+ scenarios. So, let’s dive into the world of preparation for spiritual conflict against Target, Kohl’s, and Bud Light, the alleged masterminds behind a Satanic plot!
First, we gather our elite team of SEALs and head to the secret training grounds, which just so happen to be conveniently located in the parking lot of a strip mall. We set up our spiritual warfare command center right between the 24-hour doughnut shop and the laundromat. It’s essential to be surrounded by the most powerful sources of energy for maximum effectiveness.
To prepare ourselves, we start with a rigorous exercise routine designed specifically for battling retail stores and mediocre beer. We engage in intense shopping cart sprints through the aisles of Target, dodging dangerously low clearance signs and battling the gravitational pull of the bargain section. We call this workout “The Consumer Crusade.”
Next, we enter Kohl’s armed with an arsenal of coupons and credit cards. We meticulously hunt down and defeat each demonic price tag, armed with our righteous skepticism and a keen eye for sales. We navigate through endless racks of clothing like tactical ninjas, because who said saving money couldn’t be a spiritual mission?
Now, let’s address the ultimate villain in this Satanic plot - Bud Light. We gather in a secret underground bunker, fortified with cases of craft beer and artisanal cocktails, because only the finest libations can counter the forces of evil. We spend hours engaging in highly intellectual debates about beer flavors, discussing the nuances of hop bitterness and the symbolism of a twist-off cap versus a bottle opener. Truly, we’re doing the Lord’s work here.
In between training sessions, we hold sacred ceremonies where we anoint ourselves with holy water infused with the fragrance of dollar store cologne. We recite ancient hymns like “Eye of the Tiger” and “Livin’ on a Prayer” while performing synchronized cartwheels. These rituals are essential for aligning our chakras and ensuring our spirits are in peak condition for the upcoming battle.
Finally, armed with our shopping bags and our faith in a higher power, we emerge from our training grounds, ready to face the End Times. We approach Target, Kohl’s, and Bud Light stores with an air of confidence and divine swagger, knowing that our preparation has uniquely equipped us for this spiritual conflict.