Originally published at: Public school board president calls for"holiday break" to be named "Christmas break" - Boing Boing
These fragile, retrograde assholes are just so tiresome. If it didn’t take so much time and effort, I’d love to see every other group with a holiday toward the end of the year make separate, equally-stupid proposals for the break to be named after their own observances. Just so we could all enjoy the bluster and head-exploding of the Christianists immediate and vociferous opposition. And their mental gymnastics slash hypocrisy in vainly trying to explain why their holiday (Christmas) is exempt from the same criticism they have for all the others.
Agreed. I just had my annual encounter with someone who responded to my “Happy Holidays” with a very aggressive “Merry Christmas,” What a miserable life these people must lead.
In other words… a break to celebrate multiple holidays, even for those who do celebrate Christmas.
I can’t wait until people start describing it directly to this snowflake as Kwanzaa Break.
Io Saturnalia, Mr Bryan.
It’s a Festivus Pause for everyone!
The song “Happy Holidays” was released in 1942, people weren’t complaining then. When did being all inclusive and courteous towards my fellow humans become an issue? Oh, that’s right, since the religious-right started manufacturing outrage.
Why should I say “Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Winter Solstice” or “Happy/Merry top 5 December Holidays period”? Screw that, I’m saying Happy Holidays!, Season’s Greetings! or Happy New Year!
If you really wanna throw the upstarts off, wish them a “Happy EVERYDAY.”
Previously, in Southlake:
My county, faced with multiple religious groups lobbying for just this, has decided to stop calling things Christmas Break or Easter Break. It’s now Winter Break and Spring Break. We do still have National holidays like Thanksgiving and Presidents’ Day.
Holiday names, the low hanging fruit of a culture war.
there’s something like 29 holidays between November 1st and mid-January, so… no.
Throw this at him. “Happy it’s a break from you Day.”
I just had kind of the opposite encounter. I had a Zoom meeting with one of my professors, and at the end, she wished me a Merry Christmas, and then very quickly and clumsily started adding qualifiers like “If you celebrate. I don’t know if you…it’s ok if you…” and so on. It almost made me start laughing, but I just quickly said, “You have a Merry Christmas, too” so she could stop worrying if she had offended me.
EXACTLY! It seems like the best solution is to do what your county and the school board in the original post has done. Which is plain to anybody who gives it any thought at all — even if they might personally be wistful for “the good old days”. It’s only MAGA McTurdbrain who’s creating any sort of issue.