Public university president bans drag show and promises to ignore "the law of the land"

Definitely go for Prince… You’d like great as Simmons too, but he’s just an awful human…

Bill Hader Yes GIF


Yeah, I know; that’s the drawback.


That’s the one punch. The two punch is to take his co-opting to the next level. Familiar groups should lean in on this, thanking him for seeing the light and supporting a woman’s right to equal pay, equal respect, and full bodily autonomy. Give him very public, high profile awards. Ask him to speak at (what would be very hostile to him) meetings in support of women’s issues. Maybe a conference supporting mandatory life sentences for sexual harassment. Put up billboard thanking him for supporting feminism in very well trafficked, conservatives locations. If he tries to deny it, say it is all part of his brilliant plan to secretly transform the conservative movement from within.

Flood the zone with enough lefty praise and adoption that it completely shreds his conservative creds and makes him regret he ever thought this would be a “clever” approach to his hate.


If this guy promises to ignore “the law of the land” then perhaps the federal government should promise to ignore any FAFSA applications for federal student loans that would go to students at his institution. There are many other students that would be happy to take West Texas A&M University students’ slices of that pie.


So comedy shows that involve laughing at the comedian or other people are out? All circuses? Rodeo clowns? Plays, movies, novels, presidential debates with humorous characters? They all invariably invite mockery of others.


He’s gonna get sued and he’s gonna lose…


i have never wanted to drive across the country for nashville pride before, but with the recent laws in tennessee i’ll admit i feel pretty interested this year


Yeah, it’s been years since I hauled my ass out to ATL Pride, but this year, I think I’m gonna make an effort this year to show some solidarity with the LGBQT+ community.


Does the school have a dress code?

Because you could decide to cross dress just for your classes as a protest.


Nada No GIF by CBC


Keegan Michael Key Stop GIF by Playing With Fire

Throwing around a well-worn bit of homophobia to fight homophobia only reinforces homophobia…


The thing is, they know exactly what goes on at drag shows. They aren’t stupid, naive, or uneducated. They also know that there is a certain segment of the public, which almost completely overlaps with the hardcore MAGA crowd, that has no idea what goes on at a drag show and so they prey on that group’s fears: that a drag show is essentially a gay sex show. Like a strip club, but worse, for the gays, I guess. Notably, when Florida recently sent a bunch of people to investigate drag shows to find violators of their new law…they couldn’t find anything at a typical drag show that ran afoul of the law.



Living in CA, my doing drag won’t make any people here even bat an eye; but I am willing to travel in solidarity…


a slapstick sideshow that erodes the worth of women

What’s interesting is seeing how people conflate straight drag, where this is mostly true of how it operates, with queer drag, where it very much isn’t. I’m not sure how much is ignorance and how much is just them being disingenuous. It’s hard to tell, as these tend to be people who are ignorant liars, so…

Nope, the connection is often made explicitly. They manage to (deliberately) not understand (queer) drag and Blackface, at the same time.

I dunno - I think you might be giving them too much (too little?) credit here. At least some most definitely are some combo of stupid, naive and uneducated. They also overlap, to some degree, with the most ignorant MAGAts to whom they’re trying to appeal. In this case, he really doesn’t sound very smart, university president or no.


It would be great if you would. Although Tennessee is just one of several states that needs all the help we can get large numbers concentrated in one place can make a difference. And I suspect Pride is going to be quite the event in Nashville this year. You may not have heard about it but Nashville has had big pushback events just in the past few days.


Doesn’t he just? The moment I saw his pic, I thought “This guy looks exactly like you’d imagine person with these opinions look like.”

He’s like Ronald Reagan’s nebbish nephew.


Tv Land Teacher GIF by Teachers on TV Land

I think this line of thinking that these people are just ignorant or stupid, is problematic, since the reality is that they’re bigots and that’s what’s driving their actions here. They just hate the LGBQT+ community and want to hurt them.

I don’t think so. These people pushing these laws KNOW that things like drag shows aren’t remotely prurient in the way they’re pushing it… I mean, there is an entire, very popular reality TV show that probably lots of MAGAts watch and enjoy. It’s not hidden away like it used to have to be… it’s pretty fucking mainstream at this point and even if they don’t watch, it is more than easy enough to dig up some information that is easy to obtain…

Yeah for reals… last drag show I attended had the queens performing to lots of church/sunday morning music since it was a Sunday drag brunch… some bawdy humor, but nothing “sexual” at all… Not that I have to tell anyone here…


I could believe that they’re disingenuously misrepresenting what drag shows are, with full knowledge, but then we get to the question of “uneducated” or “stupid”… based on public statements alone, I don’t think one could convincingly argue that this guy, for example, is actually smart.


i don’t even know if it’s that deep. they hate that lgbt people exist – and they know that drag shows are almost entirely composed of lgbt people – so they hate drag by proxy.

if the only kinds of event that existed were conservatively dressed lgbt people reading dead white man literature in libraries to straight white people over the age of 65, the pitch forks would be out for that too.

they can and will weaponize everything.

hells ya!

well… if there were no people in ca doing drag, then there would be no drag in ca – so every bit everywhere i helpful i think. we are the communities we create, or something like that.


Yeah, that’s true - they could look at an actual drag show and say, “this is a threat to children” because what they really mean is “this is a threat to the traditional patriarchal order.” The bit they’re mostly being dishonest about is their goal.