Originally published at: Q darling Marjorie Taylor Greene accosts AOC | Boing Boing
Yet democrats refuse to point out when republicans are liars in congress because that’s “impolite” and against the procedural rules.
kudos to aoc for shrugging and walking away.
one of the rare things that could be worse than having ted cruz as your senator, much to my shame and embarrassment, would be to have majorie taylor greene as my representative. about the only thing i find at all admirable about her is her willingness to not lie about her relationship with a tantric sex specialist. i know, that’s kind of like saying “well, at least my candidate doesn’t kill and eat children.” too low a bar for sure.
Ugh. This woman…
More on that:
The WaPo link from the Jezebel article…
I really hope whoever the Democrats end up running against Greene is strong.
Here is what we got so far…
the strongest democratic candidate in the special election for replacing rep. ron wright, district 6 in texas, did not meet the cut-off for the runoff. my entire immediate family plus a few in-laws voted for jana lynn sanchez, a total of 11 votes, to no avail unfortunately. now it’s a runoff between two republicans.
Yeah we’ve already learned that these stunts lead to bloodshed and violence. And Greene brags about carrying a damn gun around the Capitol building.
So now it’s Marjorie “Karen” Taylor Greene? Will that stick?
I dunno - in this case, engagement just serves to legitimize the lunacy.
It is why we largely officially ignored North Korea before Trump. No direct engagement.
Sincerely I hope she gets it confiscated in public.
Not sure that would help either, from a “riling up the base” standpoint it would be the photo op of her dreams. American patriot stripped of Second Amendment rights in the very heart of our Republic!
Oh it’ll probably happen when some democrat breaks down to her harassment and yells at her from like 100 feet away.
MGT will feel threatened, and whip out her security dildo, and that’ll be when she gets it confiscated.
MTG has a lot of time on her hands to stalk AOC. After all she was booted out of committee assignments. Literally nobody values her input in drafting legislation.
I’m afraid that would be too insulting to Karens.
(And I do mean Karen in the pejorative sense here).
God, she’s wretched.
And she calls AOC the coward.
Imagine having her as a coworker.
Different scenario. We have no direct input on North Korean leadership. So, their tactic of playing the crazy card is to keep other countries on their toes.
With the up and coming fascists in our government, the point is not just to get attention, it’s also pushing boundaries to see what they can get away with. You don’t have to look to hard to see examples of political differences suddenly becoming physical assaults in public that are treated as acceptable. Whether it’s Taylor Greene herself, or a member of the public inspired by her, this could become a political assault or murder under the guise of patriotism.
hard pass!
If she was, I can imagine doing whatever in my power to ensure she gets fired or arrested.