I choose my beliefs. You choose yours. I believe there are good people, and that there are assholes. And what they call themselves does not change that.
Honestly I’m tired of the good act and I would advocate for more than just egging people like this.
If it were me I would have just knocked the bastard out and skipped the egg. If the shit that is coming out of people’s mouth is this close to violently crazy and outright accepting of violence like this I think some Nazi bastards need to be punched. In the open on live TV and frequently.
The thing is I’m torn between logical construct that means I would be no better then some of them.
I always err on the side of non-violence but this is how I feel
I’m just saying: putting scare quotes around “christian” for specific christian people who you don’t like, is entriely self-serving, and dosen’t really make any sense.
The third reich was quite devout, Gott Mit Uns and all that. They were very definitely christians, even though they committed some of the worst genocide in the 20th century.
What I like is kinda immaterial. This guy is an asshole. Like i said, i recognize the no true scotsman nature of my statement, and it wasnt meant to be applied seriously. I am hurt by assholes like this calling themselves Christian. It sucks.
In situations like this, can we make it policy to put “Christian” in scare quotes, please? I hate to go all “no true Scotsman” in this, but most Christians are moving as quickly as possible to support the victims in this tragedy. This asshole is as Christian as Trump is.
But you did go all No True Scotsman on us. Christians are no better or worse than anyone else. (I mean, theyre probably worse, because theyre using a distantly received Iron Age set of proscriptions interpreted by an institutional authority figure-- but I’m not gonna go there.) Most humans are moving as quickly as possible to support the victims in this tragedy.
Jesus. Has nothing been learned in the last couple of years about the uselessness of “debating” Nazis?
And breaking an egg over the head of a man who condones mass murder is unwarranted, “ugly violence”?!
Right. My sympathies! So fucking frustrating. People like you have a lot of work to do there! But doing it must make you feel like you’re stuck on a hamster’s wheel.
I’d say minimum requirement would be following the teachings of Christ. That very low bar is still way too high for many, often the ones who profess their holiness the loudest.
Hint: If you have a private jet, you’re not Christian. Instant disqualification.
Is the pope not christian? Because for a long time the pope was the most luxuriant multimillionaire to live on the planet.
Like for a few dozen generations.
So, I’m not sure how conspicuous consumption changes anything.
For a long time the pope was considered to be the wealthiest person.
Christianity is a hegemonic power structure. It’s all about controlling people who are willing to submit themselves to authority.
Christianity schisms, but then you end up with fundamentalists who bomb planned parenthood clinics, and the catholics and pritestants and orthodox churches that all agree it’s just a normal part of holy war.
In the context of this thread, the question came about regarding two assholes who have publicly come down on the side of the shooter: a radio host and a mega church preacher.
I’d classify them both as not Christian, but Xtian. They claim the name but stand for everything opposite of Christ: hate, greed, selfishness.
I’m not Christian myself, I just think it’s worthwhile to knock some of these people down a peg with their followers by pointing out their hypocrisy.
I just think religion is being used as an excuse to act in a way that is historically consistent, then when called out on the violence people are trying to erase the fact that religion and violence are practically synonymous.
I’m in complete agreement with your analysis. I think that there are two things going on, though. 1. People saying, “don’t count the actions of [these people] against us Christians” is one
2. People saying, “How can you call yourself Christian when you stand for pretty much everything the opposite of Christ?’ That goes for rich popes, sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, greedpig evangelicals, and hate-mongers.
Point 1 above has some nuance to it. There are Christians who consistently help others.There are also people who let the history justify their own misbehavior.
Point 2, I think, is worth pushing. It’s not to let people off the hook, but to communicate why they can’t hide their bad actions behind the label.
Xtian fundamentalists are not the only form of Christianity. If Jesus were here on earth today most Xtianists would attack him for being a middle eastern communist.