Racist Karen harasses Black man for standing in front of his own house (video)

Drunk, stoned or stupid don’t cause a not-racist person to suddenly become racist. They just disinhibit the sensible part that keeps the asshole part quiet. She was a racist asshole regardless of what other issues she may have.


Watching her leave at the end really drives home the point of how out of her way she went to harass this guy. It’s never acceptable, but so many of the videos are from where people happen to be walking by and see someone and decide to ruin their day.
This lady, though, she really went above and beyond, opting to trail the guy through a gate and down that driveway area that no one would go on for a casual stroll around the neighborhood.
Remember when each such person got their own nickname? Was there a BBQ Becky? This one could be gate-crashing Greta.


Yeah. Before the videos started showing how terribly many there are running around. Too many for individual nicknames


Happy cake day!
Let’s crush racism!

Birthday Cake GIF


Trespassing Trina? (Trixie?)
Prowling Prunella? (Priscilla? Prudence?)


Blockquote Twitter.

“I don’t think you are minding your own business,” she sneered. “Why are you standing outside your house, doing what you’re doing?”

“I don’t think that’s any of your concern, what I’m doing,” he said, staying remarkably calm.

“Well, you’re doin’ somethin’.”

That kinda reads like something from a comedy film - I’d almost laugh, except it’s real life!

A less well-controlled individual might respond to Karen’s last statement with;
“Well, lady, what I’m about to do, if you don’t get your scrawny ass off my lawn, is hit you in the face with a chair!”


::longsigh:: And here is where we have to to remind everyone outside the US (sadly) that his calm demeanor is very practiced and has likely saved his life on several occasions. Reacting as a white person would to such an invasion of privacy can be a death sentence for PoC here. :frowning:


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