Racist tirade filmed in grocery store

Sure seems like you’ve experienced a lot of racism to me.



We really need a catchy name for this gentlelady… hmmm
Grocery Store Gestapo Gerty?
Checkout Checkpoint Cherri PAPERS PLEASE!


In all fairness, we could have lived in a world where everyone in the grocery store spoke Unami.

In some fairness, nobody would speak bigot as their first language.

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Switzerland would be quite a shock for her, then.


Last I checked there is plenty of meth kicking around Erie.

Depending on where you set the bar, the answer is somewhere close to 100% down to under 1%. Only about 25,000 people are in are actively involved in violent white supremacist street gangs, around 11 million hold views consistent with white nationalism, roughly 70% show some type measurable implicit bias in descriptions of black people, and we all have unexamined biases from a culture steeped white supremacist tropes and practices.

Highly visible nonwhite entertainers have been part of the media going back to prior to recorded media. There has always been a willingness to grant exceptions.


In the United States, at the federal level, there is no official language, although there have been efforts to make English the official language. Use of several languages in electoral process under certain circumstances is provided for by federal law, including Spanish in the whole states of Florida, California and Texas.

  • The US state of California has the Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act. requiring state and local agencies serving a “substantial number of non-English speaking people” to employ a “qualified bilingual staff” and to translate certain documents into clients’ languages.
  • The US state of New Mexico provides certain guarantees for the use of Spanish, alongside English, in its constitution and electoral laws. Its state laws also provide for using Spanish and Native American languages in education
  • The US state of New York provides translation of vital documents and interpretation into six languages alongside English.
  • The US state of South Dakota recognises the Sioux language as the official indigenous language of the state.
  • The US state of Texas provides in its law for translating to Spanish certain information on agency websites.
  • The US state of Louisiana has mandated the Louisiana French Language Services Program and the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism to work on providing state government services in French, to the extent practicable It also expressly allows the use of French in legal process and publishing official documents. Spanish is also spoken.
  • The Saint John River valley in the US state of Maine and some areas in Vermont are unofficially bilingual (de facto) in English and French.
  • The US state of Hawaii is officially bilingual in English and Hawaiian.
  • The US state of Alaska officially recognizes English and the following twenty Alaska Native languages: Inupiaq, Siberian Yupik, Central Alaskan Yup’ik, Alutiiq, Unanga, Dena’ina, Deg Xinag, Holikachuk, Koyukon, Upper Kuskokwim, Gwich’in, Tanana, Upper Tanana, Tanacross, Hän, Ahtna, Eyak, Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian languages. Russian is spoken.
  • Three US territories are also bilingual: American Samoa (Samoan and English), and Puerto Rico (Spanish and English). Guam Code provides for bilingual education (English and Chamorro). One US territory is trilingual: Northern Marianas Islands (English, Chamorro, and Carolinian).
  • In US, states with a large historic (New Spain and First Mexican Empire) and recently arrived Spanish-speaking population such as California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas and Florida will often provide government services at the municipal level in Spanish as well as English. For example, in Florida, Hialeah recognizes both English and Spanish while Miami recognizes English and Spanish as official government languages.
  • Some Indian reservations in the US have begun to use indigenous languages of their tribal nations, but the official language of all the reservations is English. The most prevalent indigenous languages include Choctaw, Cherokee, Navajo, Muscogee, Lakota-Sioux and Iroquoian. Hopi Tribe constitution (Arizona) provides for specific requirements for Hopi language skills for officials
  • German is spoken due to Amish, German, Austrian and Swiss people. In Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Dutch dialect is spoken.



I woudn’t agree. These are small moments over a lifetime. I didn’t experience “zero” racism…I saw enough to know it was a thing, but it doesn’t at all govern my day to day life. I never (I mean NEVER) have the experiences that get video taped and shared…like someone talking down to me in a shopping line. Overall, I think the racism I did experience can be explained as people just being ignorant and not having better words to express themselves.

I mean, no one has ever called the police on me etc.

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yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. :neutral_face:

I mean, fuck, seriously? How fragile are these racist jerks that simply hearing spoken Spanish is enough to send them into a meltdown?


I’ll skip her followup video: “Two butts one head.”

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City services and the electoral process in Chicago are available in English, Spanish, and Polish. Sometimes, the Polish is even listed first.


I can get behind the ignorant part, but you gotta wonder. Is it possible for people who can only express themselves in racist terminology, to not be racist?

The reason why it looks to me like you’ve experienced a lot of racism has to do with not just the examples you provided, but with how you minimized their effect, which is also why I added them to my reply e.g.

Please understand that I say this as an outsider, I am not American and I do not live in the USA, I’ve never had to deal with this in my everyday life*, I’m a very pale Mexican and no Mexican has ever asked me where I’m really from, like… originally.
You are used to an environment where occasionally running into mild racism isn’t considered a lot, where it is in fact normal if you’re not white. That sure seems like a lot to me.

*Sigh, yes there’s racism in Mexico, yes I’m aware that I have some privilege because of my light skin, hell travelling to the US with friends has made it all too clear that white privilege is a real thing and that I don’t get a say on whether it gets extended to me or not, it just does.


And what follows recorded racist tirades in grocery stores? Social media victimization of the racist tirader, who will be forced to relocate her family and sobbingly plead to her local media that she is a good person who loves 'Merica.

How is it that these entitled white supremacists have never heard of the Golden Rule?

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One important thing to note is that a high number of USians are “closet racists” with a properly working filter switch they can turn off and on at will. Many people you wouldn’t suspect are quite deft at filtering at the right times.

A good example of someone with a broken switch would be Joe Biden.


Minor correction: Hawaii is now officially trilingual, since Hawaiian Pidgin has been recognized as an official language. Seriously.


I hear what you are saying - when I was a kid I sometimes wished I “was normal” so I didn’t have to deal with the differences. But then you grow up. Do I wish I was considered a “normal American” - sure, but that is a long long way off. Until then it’s good enough. If we minorities complain too much people resent it and say we are complaining too much (‘like a snowflake’). I’d rather be successful and free of stress, and win by living my life.


shootz braddah!

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Is there a problem with that?


Gah! Beat me to it. By about 6 hrs, it seems.

I’m just going to show this to my wife and use the same line on her instead. It was a good one.