Rapist Brock Turner texted pals photos of victim's breasts

I Cell Phone Extraction

Shortly after the Defendant’s arrest in the early morning hours of January 18, 2015,
Detectives noticed a text message in the “Group Me” application that appeared on the
Defendant’s Screen. It stated, “Who’s tits are those” (S ee Exhibit Four: photos of screenshot.)
A search warrant for the Defendant’s phone was obtained and his phone was searched by the
Santa Clara County Crime lab. Detectives were unable to locate the text from the ?Group me?
application or any photos related to that text. However, they learned that when there is a third
party application, the images are not stored on the phone and can be deleted by a third party
member in the group.

BoingBoing reproduced exhibit 4-- not the " image of a rape victim’s naked profile".


It’s included in the first image where all his brotasrophic douche friends are replying with douche glee

From the article:

The court documents also include a photo sent via the “Group Me” app that is said to be the victim’s breasts, photographed at the time of the sexual assault.

It’s hard to tell on the tablet I’m reading from, but the background of the group message appears to be a naked woman’s breasts, and the calendar matches the date of the sexual assault.

I agree it’s hard to imagine Xeni would ever knowingly do that. I suspect she didn’t realize what she was posting. Or maybe it isn’t what it appears to be.


I’m still not seeing her image. I see what looks like a really crappy homescreen image? It says to slide to view (image) for the first message. But I can’t tell what it is on my small phone, so…

I still question whether the courts release photos of a victim of sexual assault. I’ve never heard of that happening.


That is pretty much what I see on my laptop. A blurry whatzit with too much back lighting.

ETA @xeni hey can you reply here and clarify what the picture actually is? And if it is causing confusion note it in the article or remove it? Thanks.


It looks like an ios lock screen. with notifications from the various image sharing apps displayed on it.


Please let there be something else to charge this shit bag with so that maybe he’ll have to spend some real time behind bars.

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It’s difficult to tell what the background pic is, but the articles say cops were unable to retrieve the pic referenced in the group message. So either that’s an image of someone or something else, or they put Inspector Clouseau on the case.

In related news, Facebook is finally good for something.

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On my desktop, the image in the screenshot of a lockscreen is pretty much indistinguishable as any kind of anatomy.

I’m not saying that it’s not, but if that is a picture of her chest, it’s not at all obvious, even upon close inspection.

Regardless, dude still needs several high fives.

In the face, with a steel chair, from the Hulk.


hahaa… I grew up just 10 minutes away in another white-bread upperclass suburban neighborhood. Free range asshole Ranch is a pretty accurate.


[Deleted: Because although I have zero pity for this worthless piece of shit sociopath, I ashamed to say that the very dark joke I made went to a place contradictory to my own values. Mine was the sort of comment I might well flag.]


To the wolves he goes…

it’s just the phone background (whatever it is it’s not the victim or any part of her body).


Yeah I am making good use of that Trader Joe’s bourbon tonight.


Just when you think this whole shit show can’t get any worse.

Between these new reveals, the statement from the mother. So much awfulness.

At this point I’m pretty convinced that we’re just scratching the surface and yet more shittiness will emerge.


My favorite comment from that:

If she is looking for sympathy, it’s in the dictionary, somewhere between shit and syphilis!


No. It doesn’t matter how big a waste of oxygen this person is, you don’t condone prison rape. It’s dragging the rest of us down to his level.


This.Only one like to give, but it’s a heartfelt one.

If you do condone prison rape, then you should also consider putting some form of legal framework around it, such as number of times, how often, who the legal process should appoint as court-ordered rapist etc. so that innocents (and there are innocents in prison) don’t get hurt.

And State-sanctioned punishment rape is more than a long way down the road to pretty fucking monstrous behaviour.


Not that it makes any difference, but I’m pretty sure it’s just a reflection on the screen from when it was photographed for evidence.

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I see the gif, and I see the (currently) 14 likes, but unless my machine is just displaying it wrong the gif is just some glitchy lines. (Am I doing it wrong? :slight_smile: