Reince Priebus out of Trump White House

Because the US can destroy the world, as can China and Russia. Australia can’t so the situation is not symmetrical. The US does need to get its leadership under control.



preibus, spicer, and boehner should get together for a drink sometime and compare horror stories and notes on being recovering republicans.


We have plenty of protests where the authorities gas or even shoot the protesters, a long history of such protest. I’ve been arrested twice during demonstrations. However, if the only hallmark of a meaningful protest in your eyes involves protesters being forcibly shut down then you are pretty clueless. The fact that so many of our really big protests do not lead to violence is a sign that we are still a functioning system, and not a banana republic.

I have no issue with people in other countries criticizing our policies or our president. Both deserve it. If you want to arrogate to yourself a position of authority from which tell us how to fix our system, you are simply not in a position to do so if your own is broken. The fact that the breakage in ours affects you and not vice versa doesn’t affect that.

I had so much of this when I lived in the UK during the Reagan/Thatcher years and had to put up with people lecturing me on how screwed up our system must be to elect someone like Reagan. Dude, get a mirror, and act locally.


tantalus maybe. stuck in the swamp, forever grasping at grapes. trump certainly can’t even seem to manage the low hanging fruit.




I dunno… it’s starting to look like his core competency is failure.


Starting, really? If you go back and look at his career, his presidency is going the same as everything else he’s done in his life. Do crappy job, say its great, brag about it.


“Subeirp Ecnier!"


"One must imagine Sisyphus happy.”
― Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays

I don’t know whether Sisyphus is a good analogy for DJT.
To me, he rather seems like the Tom M. Riddle of politics.
Disloyal to his followerers, and not just the rank and file but to everyone, while demanding total loyalty from them. Uses and discards them like paper tissues.
Boastful of who he is, what he is, what he can do, what he did, what he is going to achieve, etc etc.
Actually has achievements, but won them by using 1) power inherited and 2) very questionable means.
Projecting a self-styled, larger-than-life image of himself.
Becoming more ugly, inwards and outwards, every day, shedding his humanity as if he was moulting.


Technically, a “banana republic” is a functioning system, too.
An all-out fascist country is a functioning system.

The question is, what is the purpose that the system is serving?

General well-being of the people living in it?
Keeping a small self-selected elite in power, among other things by giving the populace the illusion of having a say in things?
Peace and prosperity amongst nations?
World domination?


+1 for Hilarifying. Perfectly describes this shit show of an administration. Like, the part of you that wants it to just amp up higher and higher just to see what happens, but then the immediate realization that we’re legitimately, probably-worse-than-Nixon level fucked.


Just for the record, I think Camus’ Essaī is about trying, against all odds, and keep on going in a world without any metaphysical solace. A life without hope, an absurd life. Camus writes against suicide, he writes for a life in revolt while accepting the inevitability of death and the senseless of human existence.


Wait for the Russians to bail you out


I get that you are passionate and well-meaning, but to me it feels like armchair quarterbacking. And that’s tough to read when you’re in the thick of it and just trying to live your life.


It is a real kick in the peanut cup.

This shit is not normal. And by shit I mean the President of the United States berating staff publicly, not allowing his CHIEF OF STAFF the opportunity to state his “resignation” publicly, and appointing Alexander Haig, I mean John F. Kelly his new COS.


Naomi Klein makes much the same case as what I’ve been trying to argue for, and she does it much better than I do:

She argues for street action when a crisis occurs. I think that there’s already a crisis, and waiting for something as blatant as a war isn’t going to make the job easier.

I’m obviously just pissing people off here, so I’ll shut up for now.


That’s the thing;

Most of us are already pissed off and scared shitless because of the fucked up reality we now live in.

You wagging your finger at us all the time about how we’re not doing anything right does absolutely nothing to help.

This, 100%.