Republican leaders' support for Trump unwavering despite his boasts of groping women

lil Donny thought he was going to be the second coming of The Gipper
now it seems we’ll need a new name for Herr Drumpf: The Groper


Animate it, Beschizza! You know you want to!!


I’m not sure what it would even mean for Trump to quit at this point. The GOP can’t just decide to run Liar, Liar, Pence on Fire in his place.

See this WaPo piece.

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“There is nothing that will cause his dropping out,” Mr. Giuliani said. “That is wishful thinking of the Clinton campaign and those who have opposed him for a long time.”

Now that is pure projection…Trump dropping out is probably the Democrats worst nightmare at this point. Trump is a candidate SO bad that he can get Clinton elected, despite 20 years of the Republicans trying to put her down.

I’m not as sanguine as some others about the effects of the racists splitting away from the fiscal conservative wing of the Republican party. The two party dynamic in this country is STRONG. Three significant parties is not a stable situation in the US. The last time the racists spun themselves off in disgust, we had the “dixicrats” and then we had them picked up by the Republican party.

I think that most of the establishment Republicans have already decided that 2016 is a loss. So their question is which is worse for them personally and their party. “stabbing Trump in the back,” and alienating his supporters, who are significant, but insusfficient to win a general election. Or sticking with the party and its nominee, being able to say “I told you so,” about his chances, but alienating swing voters. At this point, they’re worried about THEIR next reelection, in 2018 or 2020 and not Trump’s chances.


This could be better, even the name has Great in it which should please him:


Hey now, some malignant clowns might see that as an insult!


Seeing as though ballots are already printed and early votes already cast, would Pence be legally electable as president if Trump were to drop out of the race?

Your logic is pretty scary and maybe spot on right…that VP debate the other night may have been the best thing the gop could have dreamed of. Hell maybe this was all planned this way… a reasonable way to dump trump and get pence instead. OMG spare us these vicious idiots


I have no idea if McCain really said this but I really really want it to be true:


If there was another candidate for them to support, many of them would likely do so.
I was pretty negative about Sanders, but he is looking pretty statesmanlike these days.

They could write this guy in, if they can’t stand Johnson.

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Yes and no.

I think the [L]ibertarian message of “keeping the government out of your life” resonates with a lot of people (including younger ones) much better than the Republican’s version; the GOP’s “stay out of folks lives” involves a real obsession with what goes on in your bedroom, which is totally absurd and stupid. The Libertarians seem to at least mean in when they say stay out of our lives. The Republicans never actually say that – they say stay out of my life, which is a totally different sentiment.

But their fiscal conservatism marginalizes them because it’s so extreme. i’m not sure what their current position is on national parks, for example, but I know in the past they’ve opposed them because they see it as overreach. But the fact of the matter is that things like national parks are very popular, and most people believe that the government has much wider regulatory obligations than the Libertarian party does.

I think the Libertarian party would be much more viable if they moved more centrist in their economic thinking but maintained a strong support of civil liberties.


“They’re telling you that after the election the GOP can treat Trump like that weekend in Tijuana of Which We Do Not Speak.”


Are the conspiracy theorists not frothing at the mouth about this already? It seems like a likely way to try to spin things. “How could these comments have been so conveniently buried for eleven years, only to emerge precisely now? Hillary knew she couldn’t win, so that’s why she’s resorting to these dirty tricks,” and so on. Are lines like that just too crazy? Have we actually reached some kind of limit?


Wow… I’m not sure if that says more coming from Schwarzenegger, or less.


Even if they can’t find another candidate to support it doesn’t obligate them to support this one if they don’t think he represents the values of their party.

They could say “Donald Trump clearly doesn’t support or represent the Republican Party we once knew” and walk away. They’d lose this election (all but inevitable now anyway) but they’d earn back a small measure of respect and have a stronger case for giving them a shot in 2020.


I wonder why this was too much for his fellow Republicans? After everything he has done with his life and everything he has said, how is this even vaguely surprising?


It’s all about the numbers. You can theoretically win an election without any support from Muslims or non-white people. You can’t win without any support from women.

Trump has made the Republican brand toxic nationwide.


I kept thinking that a Green Tea Party might form and sweep up a lot of voters. IIRC there was one at a local level somewhere in Virginia, but their verbiage was all about Tea party, nothing Green about them. This Wikipedia article has had problems for years, which may or may not be some kind of reflection on whether the concept could be formulated.