We should be expecting an FDR/Nixon/Reagan style landslide for the Democrats, but we aren’t going to get that.
I remember a sixth form common room thought experiment, who would be so bad that you would vote for Maggie Thatcher. I now have an answer: Donald Trump. Admittedly, Hillary is slightly better than Maggie.
Abu Graib was the tipping point for me. Not just the revelations of torture and other mistreatment of prisoners—the GOP’s general reaction/defense of torture fucking blew my mind.
I had been disenchanted with the GOP for quite a while before that, but kept hoping that change from within was possible.
I see a lot of discussion about Trump, but most of it is missing the big issue:
This is happening because of income inequality. That’s what it boils down to. People are frustrated, many of them rightfully so. There are two avenues for their frustration:
An angry mob lead by a demagogue that blames other poor people for the problem.
A Sanders-like populist movement to restore some balance to our economic system.
One of those directions is needed to relieve the pressure in the system. I am hoping that even the wealthy are starting to realize they are better off with a bit of Option 2 than Option 1.
I expected the GOP to split or otherwise self-destruct after the TEA party gained a bunch of momentum in 2008-2010. Instead the “moderate” Republicans moved farther right and the party regouped. Then the TEA party as a movement fell away as it’s demands were incorporated into the GOP planks. then came the obstructionist Congress and much of the worst state changes. The abortion restrictions, the VRA changes, the bathroom bills. Now from that cesspool of intolerance and hatred comes Trump. Even when (if?) he loses, the party will regroup, learn how to incorporate his techniques and successes, and regroup.
They are fully entrenched with gerrymandered districts and entire regions that refuse to consider Democrat ideology or voting. Which will either drag the Democrats farther right to try and get those moderate Republican votes, or will continue to vote for the GOP as they morph into the clearly villainous organization we’ve seen emerging over the last 16 years.
Income inequality. Justice inequality. Housing inequality. Opportunity inequality. Health inequality, including food and water inequality. but okay, I’ll settle for income inequality
The trouble with the GOP self-destructing is that nature hates a vacuum, and that political space (with a ton of money with it) will most likely suck the Democrats rightward.
After all, once they have nothing to fear from the right, it’s pretty easy to set those inconvenient leftists adrift and, as suggested above, cement permanent dominance by becoming a centrist party (in American terms - in world terms the Democrats would become heavily right-wing from mildly right-wing now.)
The Canadian example is that it took the resurgence of the Conservative party in Canada to drive the Liberals left-ward.
It’ll happen right after Obama takes all of our guns. And dissolves the Congress. And ‘sells’ the United States to the UN. And begins rounding up all the white folks into Wal-Mart concentration camps. And starts a race war. And gets rid of RomComs. And double taxes big trucks. And introduces Sharia Law. And makes everyone wear Dashikis. And burqas, too. And once the White House is repainted with rainbow colors and gay people are required to run adoption centers. And once the phrase, “the good old days” is made illegal. And babies are required to be “leftists”. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Frankly, that was weak sauce compared to when it came around about Bush. Same for the stories about FEMA camps for the Christians or Intellectuals or Conservatives or Muslims or whoever, only the names of the leaders change. The conspiracy remains the same.
Wow…you have no idea how this sort of story/writing reads to a Trump-supporting conservative like me. You people live in a little bubble, a little echo chamber. It’s sad, really. Do you ever - ever - consider the other side’s arguments and viewpoints? Probably not, right? It’s more fun to engage in sarcastic little superiority parties with each other. Well, continue. Nothing I could say would change anything. Maybe someday you will expand your mind just a tad. The good news for me is that as people get older, they tend to become more conservative. Wisdom of age.
You’re kidding, right? You expect anyone to blindly respect the viewpoint of someone who supports the literally racist and xenophobic platform of Mr Trump without explanation? Please, enlighten us, rather than simply spitting on the floor.