Originally published at: Republicans demand Democrats clean up their mess but offer nothing in return | Boing Boing
Democrats should stand firm against this latest demand from the Party of Demonstrable Bad Faith.
It’s like a train wreck that you can’t not look at.
It’s political disaster porn.
“We demand you talk us down from this ledge.”
Jeffries get 100 Republican votes.
Then they can negotiate it down to 10.
Republicans: (set fire to everything, finger-paint shit on the walls, smash the furniture with axes)
Democrats: WTF?
Republicans: Well, aren’t you going to clean up this mess?
Democrats: Nope.
Republicans: The present chaos is entirely the fault of the Democrats, who have it within their power to resolve the crisis, but refuse to do anything. Why do they hate America?
There is a good reason we (Germans) learned from our mistakes, the last time fascists unfortnunately successfully destroyed democracy.
You can’t just vote important personell out of office, the only option is the so called ‘Constructive Vote of no confidence’. Where you basically say ‘I don’t trust person X no longer and propose to replace him with person Y’. I either gets through and person Y gets the post or it does not and person X stays in office. That way you can’t disable the function of the government like the [Republicans] successfully did this time around.
(Incidentially is that the way how Helmut Kohl became chancellor, which he kept through several reelections for 16 years)
Democrats can easily fix this mess. Peel off 5 GOP house members and elect Hakeem Jeffries speaker.
“Easily”? Which 5 GOPers are willing to commit political suicide and do this? (Possibly not just political, the MAGA crowd don’t take betrayal lightly…)
There will be a few Republicans who desperately want to send guns to Israel and I hope Democrats will insist on relief aid for the displaced Gazans.
that is the republican party you’re talking about. name five reasonable republicans, and then realize that’s really on them to step up. which they would do, if they were reasonable
a slightly more likely route is for a few republicans to agree not to show up to decrease the needed votes, but then i suspect in both these scenarios, the temporary speaker would need to allow the dems to bring the nomination to the floor and if that’s needed - i can’t see it happening
OK, I guess my tone of voice wasn’t transmitted through the keyboard.
So, they’re asking if the Dems will play ball… in the house. I’ll ask Mom.
~40 years ago, it was the Democratic party that was known for Iconoclasm and Heresy while the Republican party was characterized by party unity.
The “liberal” media is now blaming Democrats too.
How long are Democrats going to stand by in the world of identity politics, and zero-sum politics, and not be part of any solution?
(/s) would be nice to clarify
This is what emojis were created for, mostly.
We also like using the “/s” indicator to indicate sarcasm around here.
Your helpful advice for this Friday.
… and I owe @anon29537550 a coke.
I remember the time we decided to assemble one of those. It went very poorly; and at great length.
Ones who are in swing districts and are getting worried they will lose the next election because of their colleagues actions? ‘Moderates’ who are retiring and have no fucks left to give to MAGA? It’s five reps, something could be worked out.