RFK Jr says Bill Gates is planning to turn us into "enslaved consumers" with "biometric sub-dermal sensor system" implants

This kinda shit goes to antisemitism on an asymptotic curve, so you’re not crazy for seeing the conspiracy and backfilling the antisemitism.


This on the same day Matt Levine informs me that Sam Altman is building a database of human iris scans. People really are looking at the wrong rich assholes.


… “winning” second place for the Democratic nomination for prez is not an elected office either


Gates doesn’t seem to be part of the Thiel-Musk axis that’s actively financing fascism; he’s even done a measured bit of good with his money, which is a violation of the Billionaire Code.


He’s got plenty of shitty looking stuff too, even if the Gates Foundation appears to actually be supporting good causes. For one, his ex-wife heavily implied she was divorcing him because he was too closely tied to Epstein.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant

You really think he’s not already planning to turn his future humiliating third place finish in a two man race as a Democrat into a “it’s because they’re too WOKE!” campaign as a republican senator/governor/POTUS candidate? Bear in mind that Trump was a die-hard Democrat donor back in the Clinton era. Past party affiliation means nothing to the Q-crowd, only outrageous stupidity, blatant skeeviness, and rage at the enemy Democrats.


Shit got political.

You can still find the stories about oddities. They’re here. And yeah, I miss when BB had more fun stuff and maybe Cory talking about copyright. But, you know, the whole ass internet has taken a dark turn. BB in ‘06 or so had plenty of politics mixed in too, but we were still maybe a bit more naive about what the web was gonna be.


there’s no bright line between “politics” and “everything else” – we’re social creatures, and nearly everything social has a political dimension.

that said, there’s still plenty of unicorn chasers if you need them:


The Muppets No GIF by ABC Network

But sure… we’re the REAL assholes for paying attention to and calling out the rise of fascism in America… Sorry if focusing on the very real damage being done to real human beings is such a bummer for ya… /s

Yep Bingo GIF by MOODMAN


… I have no reason to think he’s “already planning” to do something you just made up :roll_eyes:


And there you go. All this implant, microchip stuff is nonsense. The billionaires running massive corporations or ungodly private equity firms don’t need any of that. They just keep creating rules and laws that siphon all the money up to them.

And as others have noted - they track our lives through our phones, web interactions, etc but it is for marketing and selling services and things to us so they can suck up even more money.

Unfettered, winners take all capitalism is evil and dehumanizing.


RFK sr:

But we can perhaps remember - even if only for a time - that those who live with us are our brothers, that they share with us the same short movement of life, that they seek - as we do - nothing but the chance to live out their lives in purpose and happiness, winning what satisfaction and fulfillment they can.

Surely this bond of common faith, this bond of common goal, can begin to teach us something. Surely we can learn, at least, to look at those around us as fellow men and surely we can begin to work a little harder to bind up the wounds among us and to become in our hearts brothers and countrymen once again.

RFK jr:

Microsoft has patented a chip system that is a biometric sub-dermal sensor system. So it will actually be able to sense brainwaves and, and body signals like heart rate, etc. And it will, it will assign you tasks.


I’m not a stable genius like RFK Jr, so maybe I don’t understand. But why would the information gathered from unemployed individuals, especially when forced to engage in specific behaviors, have any value to marketing companies?

It sounds to me as though RFID Jr might have half heard someone explaining the plot to Stephen Bury’s* “Interface”.

  • Neil Stephenson and J. Frederick George**
    **George Jewsbury

Too many? :thinking:

He is someone that the Conspirisphere dislikes, and so it absolutely a target for antisemitism. The only reason it isn’t obvious to you, or I is because we aren’t cuckoo bananas in the belfry.


“I see you’re trying to drink some water. Wouldn’t you prefer to purchase a nice cool can of Brawndo™?”

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Yah, Gates is far from perfect, and no doubt he has personal flaws that his enormous wealth magnifies and makes more impactful. But the Gates Foundation really does seem to be doing a lot of good work. I can absolutely believe that Gates genuinely wants to make the world a better and healthier place.

I can’t even pretend to believe that Musk, or Thiel, or other billionaire bastards of their ilk, has anything but their own warped interests in mind.


During the pandemic the Gates Foundation came out hard in favor of upholding intellectual property rights versus making vaccines more broadly available, and that led to a lot of questions about just how much good this organization with no real oversight was actually doing for world health, once you got past their press releases. I’m not sure I know what the conclusion was. :frowning:


I am surprised that he hasn’t broached the subject of sneakers thrown up into power lines…that is usually a good source of conspiracy talk.
Then there are the people watching you from behind the TV screen.

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Well, once you pop you can’t stop. So logically, you’ll get to “too many” at some point. :person_shrugging:

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