Rich Koch Brothers heir boldly makes shirts

So was Abigail Disney, who inherited billions just by being born into the Disney family. The difference between the two is that

  1. She is well aware that she’s done nothing to deserve this money,
  2. Instead of using her talents and resources to make ugly shirts she’s using them to speak out against this monstrous tax bill because she knows that less fortunate people shouldn’t be asked to carry an even bigger financial burden while she and her friends reap further rewards from the government just for being super-wealthy.

Designing shirts of any sort would imply that he’s paying attention to things like cut, fabric weight, bias, stitching, fit, etc. From what I can see here all he’s doing is taking a generic shirt pattern from a real designer, finding “wacky” fabrics to slap on it, and scrawling out a childish sketch to preview it. I’d wager you’ve spent more time with a sewing needle and thread altering your thrift store purchases than he has in his toy shirt business purchased for him by his family, probably with better results.

The rest of us may not have the talent to design clothing like a real professional tailor and couturier does, but most of us with taste can recognise quality design sense. It doesn’t take highly refined taste to know that these shirts are dreck.


And I say it’s working, since it make me want to strangle his Pops.


As stated earlier, we have no clue what he is doing politically. We know he makes bad shirts. Has she given up her entire inheritance and decided to give up all her privilege? I mean, unless she does this, how can we really know she really gets it?

This is the problem with demanding folks do something we want. We can always demand more and claim that if someone isn’t doing it, they are complicit.

I’d rather hold folks up to the standard of actually doing something wrong as opposed before I condemn them.

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We’re mocking a man with power.

Power that he could’ve use to destroy his father’s legacy for the sake of humanity.

Yet he’s using it to inflate his already fragile ego; one that he inherited from his father.


Not yet, I was actually YouTubing how to load a bobbin just before I ran into this article. This is my first machine and I just bought it from the same thrift store I buy most of my clothing.

Give me a few months…Adam Savage compares this to planular joining or welding as if anyone can pick it up!


Abigail Disney has made it abundantly clear that she is aware of her privilege and has dedicated much of her life toward using it to help those who don’t have it. She’s dedicated much of her fortune and time to fighting poverty, empowering women, trying to build peace in the Korean Peninsula and so on.

Meanwhile Wyatt is set to inherit much more money than Ms. Disney, yet this is about all that the internet turns up about his dedication to philanthropy (taken from his tacky shirt website):

Giving Back
Wyatt believes that no matter what looks are hot on the runway, there is one thing that’s always in style: giving back. In fact, a portion of the of profits from each sale will be donated to charity.

For all we know “a portion of the profits will be donated to charity” just means every rich prick wearing one of those moneybag-adorned shirt will kick an extra nickel toward the Koch Foundation for Keeping You-Know-Whos Out of the Neighborhood.


Kinda wish someone would start a crowdfunding campaign to help his ex-fiance with legal bills…


He’s being mocked because he’s an out-of-touch rich kid who’s deluding himself that he has design talent and taste (and that he knows how to pronounce the word “discotheque”). He has the additional misfortune of being financially supported in his delusion by prominent relatives who are actually doing a lot of evil things – if he wasn’t it’s less likely he’d have the resources to come to the attention of those mocking him in the first place.

Abigail Disney may not be giving up her privilege but based on the manner in which she’s put her name out there and the positions she’s taken she is clearly more aware of its deleterious effects than this clown is. That’s the difference between a smart wealthy person and a stupid one.


Given that he’s rich, and a Koch, I came here wanting to hate him. It’s going pretty well so far.


Napoleon Dynamite: Really? It took me like three hours to finish the shading on your upper lip. It’s probably the best drawing I’ve ever done.





Kudos though for totally unironically using the word 'discotheque '.

I want to hate on those shirts, but I think the right wearer could pull them off.

Eric Stonestreet (cameron tucker from modern family) could wear the hell out of those shirts and look fantastic doing it.


Hey guys, don’t mock him! You could be looking at the Hugo Boss of the Trumpist movement.

If not, be glad that the guy is using the money to make fugly colorful shirts, instead of brown shirts.


A few of them do wake up.


Would you say you were …


Dissappointed in bOing bOing?


Not burning things was supposed to be the improved outcome; look, someone just left the global doddering ray on, and it has to be switched off. Then we’ll see some very nice organic chemistry motifs on shirts and funnily named heirs like ‘Luchesprung Diversmo Koch’ or ‘Gingerkeesia Routinerunge Koch’