Rich people in Bristol install anti-bird spikes in trees to keep shit off their cars, rendering trees "literally uninhabitable" by local wildlife

Anti-bird spikes do not work.
Some birds will even build their nests on them.

I used to live in a bus under Clifton bridge with a variety of other reprobates. We weren’t popular with the locals.


This is so very much a WASP problem.
I should be waiting for the follow-up where we’re introduced to some clueless moron showing how he crunches entire nesting colonies with his bare hands, explaining how he’s never got cut by eggshells and baby-beaks.
Or the ‘expert’ excitedly using massive amounts of poison on what he calls the biggest colony of gulls he ever has seen crows form. But as he says, “these ducks are such a nuisance”.

And then everyone here can chime in happily, telling of their own mass murders of sometimes protected, endemic winged pests.
Why limit the hatred to the varieties that are black and yellow striped?

Shouldn’t they remove their stored private property from the publicly owned roadway?
The new bike paths on the freed road space could be protected from cars by the ‘spike strip lane dividers’ nailed to the pavement.

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Besides, most cars just sit there depreciating. I am always deeply entertained, and simultaneously saddened, by the arrival of a swish car on my road. As I walk my commute I note how they don’t move, and amuse myself with thoughts of “$1,000 per mile”!


Let me paint you a picture since apparently you don’t have a felonious enough heart.

Tires aren’t affected by bird shit either, but they are affected when you jab the anti-bird spikes through their sidewalls.

Similarly, even ‘modern paint’ on a car succumbs to being scratched by anti-bird strips.

And paint work on a car with expensive tires will take longer to fix and will cost more to fix than tires. Tires are designed to be replaceable, paint not so much.


Birds can’t perch on trees.
Birds can’t eat bugs on trees.
Bugs devour leaves, bark, insides of trees.
Trees die, fall on rich people’s expensive cars, crushing them.


Fabulous and under-used word.

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Why should I have to pick? There must be some kind of Uber, but for picking. Let them eat cake.

Some people would say that is two birds with one stone.

Stop, I can only get so erect.

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And if they were really rich, they could afford someone to keep the cars properly waxed and wash off the bird shit.

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I suspect the cars in question may have no alternative to being parked on the (public) street. Where no such thing can be erected.

And if not, and it’s all private land, then there are, indeed, likely to be several alternative solutions to spikes in trees, FFS.

This is Bristol UK, not one of the other Bristols in Connecticut, Tennessee or Virginia. Most people in Bristol live in apartments or terraced houses.
UK population density is rather high. Our houses are tiny. Few houses have more than a one car garage, which is too small for modern cars, and 2/3 of them are used as storage for stuff that in the US goes in basements. Two car garages are rare; more common in affluent suburbs, rare in towns where, apart from converted stables or coach houses, car garages were extremely rare before WW1 (which in the UK started in 1914).

Personally I think nothing spoils the neighbourhood like Audis and BMWs (or rather their owners) but there you go.

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See you say that, yet public works do stuff all the time. Rich people often get the city to do special little public works projects.

If it was public land then they probably had no right to alter the trees either. But it looks like it was done by property management company, which reads as condos or apartments. My shitty apartment complex has some covered car ports.

Also, these have been up nearly 3 years. LOL. I bet even with this outrage, its going to stay for awhile.


The trees are on private land.

We are (for the moment at least) a little less blatant about our bribery.

Also our rich people tend to be more closely concentrated than in the US so one group of rich people demanding something often come into conflict with another bunch of equally rich people demanding that the thing not happen.

See for example, Robbie Williams’ difficulties with his neighbours in London.

In this particular instance, I suspect that if the flat owners decided to try and put up some sort of semi-permanent covers/car port, their neighbours would complain.


Well, first, I lolzd.
But to be fair to me, yes, my wife has tires.
Now she’s got 9 of them, including a spare. The Beemer has no spare.
I’ve got 10. Um, yeah, way too many cars.

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One word: falcons.

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You may well be right - I was just explaining why I gather the leaves.

What’s even weirder, in my opinion, is people who buy a beautiful wooded property - a property more expensive than a flat-lawn suburban plot home - and immediately cut down all the trees, devaluing their investment and raising their HVAC costs in one go. I see it happen all the time.


Man, if you are willing to have a reeking, noisy, oil-eating drive attached to your bike, and you are too cheap to buy a motorcycle, mounting up a cheesy little 2-stroke seems like some very weak sauce.


So, these rich fucks can’t build a garage or a car hole? Fuck 'em!