Right-wing group camped out on rooftop with stockpile of weapons at Portland rally, and police kept quiet

So much for that dream of the 90s, huh?


well, it’s certainly got a lot of plastic junk on it, but the receiver / magazine release / trigger etc all look like a 47 / 74 to me! I think it’s just a lot of bolt on fashion accessories.

Also that the police chief soon afterwards went on right-wing radio to crow about… being tough on anti-fascist protestors (which included sending some to the hospital while violently dispersing the crowd). I mean, Jesus f’ing Christ.

Ah well, they were on a roof, so that was private property, you see - totally fine… /s


And - what a bunch of fraidey cat/momma’s boys. You’re all up in arms in this state? Not that anyone should feel frightened; but what kind of white supremacist wuss feels frightened when you live with these demographics:

“The racial diversity] among the population of Oregon is currently at 85.1% Caucasian, 4.4% two or more races, 4% Asians, 3.1% other races, 1.9% African American, and 1.5% Natives of North America.”

Y’all need guns when you outnumber by that amount?


I guess I was thrown off by all the mallninja railing etc on it. Looking at the rear end I see the traditional AK style release latch for disassembly.

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Because it personally benefits him in some way?

Just a guess…


Well, probably more like their grandfathers, not their fathers. Their fathers might have fought in Vietnam (except for the older, now close to retirement cops).


you might be right. there’s a couple of inches between the magazine and triggerguard.
could be an sks!

According to the article:

“No arrests were made because the protesters had not broken any laws and all had licenses to carry concealed weapons”

So that means if they had something loaded and concealed, that the license supersede the city law. The long guns may or may not have been loaded. According to wiki:

Oregon law allows a city or county to regulate open carry of loaded firearms in public places, but holders of concealed carry permits are exempt.

So it sounds like if they had the proper license, then they are exempt from that law.

Though from what I have gathered the Patriot Prayer group is a bunch of assholes, being an asshole isn’t illegal, yet. :confused:

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Those are the Oregon state gun laws - Portland has its own as well.


Kinda like Malheur.

Yes it mentions cities may have their own, but the state permit overrides them.


I’m not giving anyone the benefit of the doubt. I’m simply saying that the way this has been reported is not accurate. I was a newspaper reporter (in a previous life) and I hate to see how manipulative the press can be these days.

Not at all. I don’t own guns. I don’t want to own guns. I’m not a member of the NRA or a right-wing group or anything else that would lead to some sort of benefit. The only dog I have in this fight is that I live in the Portland area and I used to be a journalist.

What I am concerned about is how the media intentionally spins stories to get clicks and how many people are ready and willing to get angry about a news article that isn’t really accurate. Get mad about real issues. Get mad that protestors carry guns. But this story isn’t actually a story, from what I can tell. It is just intended to cause outrage.

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Except she’s insufferable

She did a rather telling interview with Lars Larson, some dime store Rush Limbow where she shittalks “The left” and totally buys into this Us vs. Them mentality of the police. (https://www.larslarson.com/listen-chief-danielle-outlaw-what-are-your-thoughts-on-the-current-criminal-climate-in-portland/)

Here’s a writeup from the local public radio station, if you don’t want to give Larsy clicks. (https://www.opb.org/news/article/danielle-outlaw-portland-police-chief-radio-comments/)

She needs to go. I would not be surprised at all if she knew about this rooftop cache the day of, and then decided to do nothing. I’ve been mugged once, nearly carjacked, and randomly tackled into a ditch. PPB did jackshit, because their “resources are stretched too thin”. But they do have the time to intimidate protesters.

Yeah, she needs to go now. And we need policing by consent.



Well, first Boing Boing is not a newspaper and the authors here are (for the most part) not journalists. You really shouldn’t come here expecting fair and balanced journalism, as that’s not what this blog is really for.

Second, why did they need those guns for in the first place? And why didn’t the cops give the report of seeing them up there to the mayor after the rally, as they were meant to do so? It sounds to me that the group in question showed up expecting violence, with the possibility of using the roof top parking as a means of gaining an advantage. We don’t know what their intent was, but we know that came armed, with what looks like weapons that can indeed be used in such situations.


If laws were broken, then punish them. I just looked it up, and it seems like, indeed, the lot of them should be in jail, weapons destroyed by the state. I was unaware of this before:

In a state with more forgiving open carry, the way it was handled would be fine by me. It is not as if the police took no actions to defuse the potential for violence (they confiscated the weapons).

But for sure these assholes need to be on the watch list.

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The long guns weren’t concealed.

And - if a group of Nazis loaded for bear went on the roof of the building overlooking a demonstration you were watching- would you give them the benefit of the doubt with your family’s safety?