Right-wing's Nick Fuentes says "women want to be raped" (video)

It’s actually fairly common, as are any number of things that in other context would absolutely be considered assault or worse. I know people who have experienced the real thing and still want to have that play option. The ability to call “red” and the scene comes to a halt is a huge difference.

I know within the kink community, many of us won’t even hug someone without asking permission first. I’ve started to hug someone whom I’ve hugged (or more) before, realized that I hadn’t asked this time, then asked and received a tentative “not today.” My response was to thank them for stating their boundaries.

Consent is everything.


You know that, I know that, he has a legion of followers that don’t. Incels have committed mass murder and rape, not, of course, because they’re not getting sex, but at least partly because people like Nick make a living selling this as an identity to aspire to. Him being the most famous incel is a huge part of his brand, which is what he’s selling here.

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And? Why repeat that here, then?


It seems relevant to his character. It’d be like discussing Trump without mentioning his racism, sexual assaults and grifts.

I would argue that pointing to him being “an incel” is merely reinforcing that stereotype connecting lack of sex with rape. :woman_shrugging:


I don’t actually know whether or not he has sex, or if he is an incel, as he states. That’s not important. His weaponizing and monetizing the “movement” is important. The fact that he both suggest true patriotic men shouldn’t be having consensual sexual relationships and that he advocates rape is important.

Again, I would argue that in doing so, he himself is conflating rape and sex. Let’s not play his twisted game.


That being said…Wasn’t Andrei Chikatilo’s defense at some point that he couldn’t be a rapist because he had erectile dysfunction of some kind?

Whether he puts it into praxis with a person or whether he kind of gets off more on the manipulation of getting other people to do that… either way it’s fucking gross.


Wow, Marriott. Two years in a row. You’d think they would have sent a memo out to every manager at every brand level to not rent a venue to Fuentes.


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