Rudy Giuliani's daughter Caroline: "Three-Way Sex With Couples Has Made Me a Better Person"

Originally published at: Rudy Giuliani's daughter Caroline: "Three-Way Sex With Couples Has Made Me a Better Person" | Boing Boing


Good for her. I’m glad she was able to grow up in a way that seems healthy in spite of her father. I hope and pray that the public shaming and approbation of her father doesn’t spill over into shaming her.


And here I thought unicorns were supposed to be prudes that only hung out with virgins.


Something not to share with Trump in the picture, I’d wager.


I’m not sure what to say about this except “I hope it embarrasses the hell out of Rudy.”

(And now suddenly I’m thinking of a clip from the new Borat movie.)


As usual with these kinds of stories it’s not terribly interesting except for the degree by which it highlights hypocrisy in our elected officials.


I found the experience a tad confusing, but hey thanks for the update Girl.


How so? As far as I know she’s never been an elected official and as a private citizen she supports Democratic candidates.

Don’t get me wrong, Rudy Giuliani is a flaming hypocrite, but his daughter is her own person and her adult choices don’t reflect his hypocrisy.


Good for her. As long as she’s happy and life is bringing her what she feels she needs, more power to her. My daughter is exploring such relationships, although she finds the experience of being a unicorn a tad more fraught (ie, she resents how many couples aren’t really interested in a relationship, just a human sex toy for their bedroom). Alas, I have no good advice for any of them, but I wish them all the best in their search for relationship bliss in whatever form that takes.


Perhaps my only problem with this is that it is used to highlight her stark difference in purported morals between her father (and folks like him) versus herself, instead of standing on its’ own as a story of how empowering personal sexual freedom can be, and lauding the fact that a Woman can have these discussions openly in Vanity Fair when doing so would have been unthinkable perhaps as little as ten years ago.

Cheering on the rights of all people (but especially Women) to be free open and forthcoming about sexuality is a wonderful thing all on its’ own, it doesn’t need window dressing just because of who her father is.


This kind of post always makes me be like:



I wholeheartedly agree and as such I’m not sure why this is newsworthy. I mean she did the vanity fair interview so obviously she shouldn’t be upset that it generates press, but I’m kind of like ok good for her. If this wasn’t framed as “Rudy Giulani’s Daughter” would be I guess a good sex positive story. Alas it feels like peddling titillation.


Maybe because it is?


It wasn’t an interview she agreed to do. It is a piece that she wrote for Vanity Fair. And she tweeted that she is “Grateful for the opportunity to speak about a subject so important to me!”


I have dear friends that are a Throuple, all Women, and they are raising wonderful children, have caring and respectful relationship. It’s a thing, and by all observation a good one for them.


Good for her! That frames it as “In spite of who my father is I am my own person” :slight_smile:


That’s the problem I have with it. Obviously no one needs to pretend they don’t know who her father is, but leading with that as the obvious hook for the story is a bit shameless.

Perhaps, but I don’t think many people regard an open lifestyle as particularly noteworthy these days. Which isn’t to say that sex positive stories about relationships in general aren’t newsworthy. That part I have no issue with. But this feels like an attempt to manufacture controversy.

ETA: By which I mean framing it with “Rudy Giuliani’s daughter” in the post headline, not Caroline Rose Giuliani’s own Vanity Fair article, which doesn’t mention her father, even indirectly.


If you’re searching for a reason to share something like this, I’d say that it’s probably important to normalize different lifestyles because the shame some people face from not fitting in to the idea of “typical” life can cause some serious mental health problems.

It should be normal for consenting adults to do whatever they want as long as they’re being safe and considerate of others, but reality is far from it. It would be nice if most people read this and thought “and?” but I suspect she’ll be judged harshly by many (and possibly ridiculed directly) .


Reads as open, honest, and consensual , the opposite of the old man.
Apples CAN fall far from the tree-


Caroline Rose Giuliani

Didn’t she stop using her (former) last name because she really, really doesn’t want to have anything to do with her father? Good for her for breaking free of (multiple layers of) bullshit having Rudy as her father saddled her with.