Running Scared: Trump wants another phony press conference

Originally published at: Running Scared: Trump wants another phony press conference - Boing Boing


Imagine how beautiful it would be if Trump held a press conference and no one came.


Trump knows he gets numbers with these “press conferences”
He’s got no reason to spend $$$ on rallies, and i’m betting cities across the US are refusing to host unless he pays in advance. (He’s got unpaid bills in the millions in some states). He’s got super PACs and outside groups handling coordinated canvassing (thanks FEC)
The $$$ needs to go to lawyers and they are already stocking up on those. Lawsuitgeddon approacheth!!! Get ready for a long winter…


So much of what Trump says now is just rehashing of his usual gripes. If he keeps holding these “press conferences” I suspect most news outlets will just stop giving them as much publicity. Unless he’s going to juggle bowling balls or do BMX stunts.

[ETA: admittedly, this is probably just fantasy on my part, the media will keep coming like flies on shit. But at least I can still dream about him doing BMX stunts.]


Some of the press will always be there. Fox, Newsmax, OAN just can’t stay away. The NYTimes, WaPo, and CNN are still dreaming of a return to the ratings bonanza during his first term, even if most of their staff will end up getting their necks stretched.


It would be nice if normal networks didn’t follow it live as if it was something important.


They’ll never learn because they don’t want to learn.

I’m sure that the camera crews and line producers hate their bosses for sending them to these clown shows.


Will anyone ask about Egypt’s $10MM? I don’t expect an answer, but just to make him squirm.


I’d join a fund-me or whatever that would just bring that woman from the NABJ around to ask a few questions. I loved that she actually pressed on answers rather than just being a sponge.


“What a rude question! Asked very rudely. So disrespectful! etc, etc, etc”


I would highly encourage Trump to do these things, perhaps at the same time. If he really wanted an impressive reaction he could do it while riding the bike on a tightrope between two high buildings. What? No, of course he’s not going to need a safety harness. Those are for suckers!


Asheville NC made him pay $82K in advance for this afternoon’s rally.


Most airports are at the very least joint ventures with the cities they serve. Next time he (or Vance) come to town, they should impound his plane until T****’s overdue bills are paid.


Harris should start scheduling competing new conferences for exactly the same time as Trump’s. Then make it clear she has no intention of answering any questions that aren’t complete softballs, and is looking to soak up as much of the free airtime on offer as possible.


I fear that might look something like this.


I hope they at least don’t do live coverage this time. Sure, they have to send someone, but they don’t have to give in to his whims so blatantly. Last time was a farce - live coverage with little to no fact checking (and even then, only after an hour or more), softball questions* that he didn’t answer… He clearly sees this is a superior substitute for a rally, where he gets actual press coverage, doesn’t have to go anywhere or spend any money, and doesn’t have any crowds to compare to Harris’ (and hurt his ego).

*And at least they can ask some actual damn questions:


That’s a great article, thank you for posting it! I disagree with categorizing questions about whether he’s worried about Harris’s crowd size vs his as softball questions, though. It is a major concern of his and really sets him off. I think journalists should dig deeper there. Even though it would be ridiculous in a “normal” election year. Whatever that is.


It was a softball question - even if it was an uncomfortable one for him. It pokes him a bit, but it’s easily deflected and doesn’t illuminate anything. Some of these other questions would also be uncomfortable for him, but would actually illuminate the issues, even if just by how desperately Trump tries to deflect and not answer them.


Why do the networks have to send someone to a Trump press event? There is no news. He always says the same things. There’s no point asking him questions because he just ignores or deflects any he doesn’t like.

The point of the press is to report news and hold power to account. Nothing like that ever happens at a Trump event.


Yeah, there should be one AP reporter with a notebook and pen. If anything noteworthy happens it will be sent out over the wire by them anyway and picked up by the rest of the press.