That’s what caused this problem. We need to put the nuts back in.
It sounds like you’re under the impression that consent always means ‘prior verbal agreement,’ each and every time.
Consent isn’t always verbal, per se; but it’s always a necessity.
It isn’t, you’re just dressing it up as something else. Respect, situation, relationship, even money changing hands are all a basis for implying consent, but as I tried very hard to underline before, there is no grey area when somebody has no opportunity to explicitly state their will.
Being married, and both being in the bedroom doesn’t stop it being rape if you have sex with her after she passed out after a party. That’s probably also covered by respect, but it’s more accurately and more comprehensively covered by consent.
This is the fellow who said:
“Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country,” Limbaugh said in October 1995 on a television show he had at the time. “And so, if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up.”
And then:
Similarly with Bill O’Reilly and tides - you can’t explain that. The left is all about the moon and gravity from one or two or three bodies, however many are involved in the equation, it’s perfectly fine. Whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there’s no gravity in part of the equation then here come the Science Police. But gravity is the magic key to the left.
“What God Allows” and “What God Forbids” should be relabeled “What I Do”, and “What I Do But Don’t Talk About In Polite Company”
I’ve never understood this idea that explicit consent means verbal consent. I’ve not always been particularly enlightened about women and sex but this concept is simple enough. People consent to all sorts of things without talking by doing. This is especially the case for people with established relationships where non-verbal cues are easier to understand.
Well, he’s survived semi-credible allegations of pedophile sex tourist trips to the Dominican Republic, and when he was caught doctor-shopping (to the tune of 2,000 oxycodone pills in 4 months from multiple MDs) he didn’t serve any time, despite his repeated calls for mandatory sentencing of drug users… so yeah, he’s unstoppable.
… Limbaugh 2020!..?
Perhaps eventually “the left” will take consent to be governed as seriously as it does consent to sex. Which one affects your life more?
Pretty sure that would be a Limbaugh/Palin ticket if it happened.
I need to go drink heavily.
Rush proclaims that his morality is superior to the Left’s, so why isn’t he out in front condemning Trump’s behavior? Regardless of whether right or wrong is a matter of consent or morality, Trump fails to meet either definition. Republicans, as the standard bearers of morality, should be condemning him even more fervently.
Are you unable to determine whether or not your wife wants you to touch her?
I think you have your answer, then.
Consensual social contracts are difficult or impossible in a private property context that allows property inheritance. If you haven’t got something because some jerk’s great-grandfather stole it from your great-grandmother, you aren’t going to be real enthusiastic about the government that makes that possible.
So for both right and left, it’s easier to get consensual sex than consensual governance.
Consent is a philosophical issue which does present some challenges–see, for instance, the potential for imbalance raised above. Limbaugh deserves some credit for thinking about the issue even though he goes completely off the rails.
Claiming that science can’t explain how the tides work is just wilful ignorance.
I like this, but I would think it has more kick to say, “conservatives divide sexual acts into ‘wrong’ or ‘okay’ based on what God thinks of them, and progressives divide sexual acts into ‘wrong’ and ‘okay’ based on” what the people involved think of them.
Said nearly everyone in the whole country!
Genuine question, what’s the gif from, and what is it meant to express? (Sorry for possibly being a big dumbo)
Also, just FYI, you made an amusing typo
which leaves you open to charges of haffing vays of making us talk
I was just looking for a gif where someone is just staring at you pointedly. Republicans love to talk about the importance of personal responsibility, but they hate actually being held to that ideal.
Also, thanks for the tip-off about the txpo.