Sacramento driver throws incredible fit of road rage

Probably more a combination of three things: 1) the firemen there telling the cops “he’s been doing this for 15 minutes, but hasn’t attacked anyone” mixed with; 2) “that (obviously unarmed) idiot’s jumping on the roof of a car - I’ll just wait until his dumb ass falls off and pin him to the ground”; and a little bit of 3) there’s a dozen people watching and filming this.

Even the most jumpy of rookie cops is going to calm down from #1, and realize #2. Even the most trigger-happy will be on good behavior with #3.


Police later identified the suspect as 40-year-old Garcia Alvarez.

So you’re saying a Latino/Hispanic guy can’t be white?

You seem to be confusing ethnicity with race.


I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume the driver of the CR-V was seen to be filming video vertically. That’s the only thing I can imagine generating this much rage, aside from politics.


Meh, give me a #4 buzzcut.


Florida Man visits California?

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Some of the most rage-a-holic drivers I’ve ever seen were women all pumped up on estrogen, with their kids in the back seat.


I’d watch that!

well, at least the first ten minutes or so


Not confusing it at all. When Kaep and others began to call attention to racial injustices with the police…if memory serves…it was not “all black people are treated unfairly and all non blacks are treated fairly”. It was “non-whites get treated unfairly”. While you and I may fully understand the differences between race and ethnicity, the majority of people do not. Additionally the census (and many questions like it regarding race/ethnicity) do not differentiate them as separate (i.e. most often it says “Are you: Caucasian, African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, Other”).

I get the differences…but for the purposes of racial injustices by Police there is a definitive line in the sand (albeit not perhaps accurate) drawn between White (most definitely white, Caucasian, European descent) and Non-white (everyone else).


Einstürzende Neubauten!

I’d watch the trailer.

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It’s not that clearcut. Again, a person can be both white/Caucasian and Latinx/Hispanic.


Have personally transitioned across a number of hormonal regimes, including with testosterone, and without. Hormones are all kinds of stuff, and there is a great deal of variation in the stuff they do ('cause there’s a great deal of between-person and between-time variation, as well as variation in the distribution of estrogenic & androgenic receptors). It is far too frequently the case that “Hormones cause X” is trotted out as an overly simplistic narrative about complex and developmental factors in human behavior.

Women rage. Men rage.

That said, my own experience is that rapid amped-rage and just amped-response (e.g., sports-gasms) is testosterone-mediated. Other trans folks have written about this (see, for example, Loren Cameron’s writing about “'roid rage” in Body Alchemy).

The overwhelming asymmetry in violence committed by men vs committed by women implies that sex and/or gender-based violence are a problem for masculine persons. (As is lack of violence a feminine problem: patriarchy will be much abated when women murder about as much as men do.)

The truth here is somewhere in the middle, and is very complex. But messages about trying not to sex or gender an analysis of violence is unlikely to bring much illumination to the problems.

Edit: masculine folks—trans and cis—are rad. I’m not a sex or gender supremacist, and I am not a sex or gender separatist. Women are rad too. (And don’t get me started on how rad the gender-fluid folks are! :slight_smile: )


In the US military it’s called “high and tight.”


I agree with you in the specifics…but in context of the NFL kneeling and other movements started and for the purposes of the layman standards in this country…it is absolutely cut and dry down that line.

We can agree to disagree.


Correct. This person definitely had a military style high and tight.


We’re having a special on flattops today sir.

That looks like the same year and color as my new CRV and so this video made me sad.


Interesting, I’ve seen the show but I never looked at it that way before.

I always thought it was a combination of jarhead character + old enough to need a toupee now.

Yeah, that’s what I always heard it called. I also heard ex-Army guys claim the Marines were given the very ugly haircut to prevent them from humping each other.


Sheesh, you’d think people would be a little more alarmed when the guy was smashing in the window, then.

Yeah, that’s certainly true. Fatal “accidents,” even when the driver is unambiguously at fault tend to get brushed under the rug. Treating cars like the lethal weapons they are doesn’t happen in a car culture, I guess.


Yea, one of my coworkers was saying that my friend had the “alt-right” look because of his haircut. I was like, “No, he has that haircut because he’s a marine…”

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