Sage MAGA woman decodes words "corona" and "covid-19" at the Trucker Convoy, exposing satanic roots

Given her “gematria”, she might be a follower of Michael Protzmann aka “Negative 48”, the cult leader who is pushing the Trump / JFK, Jr. / JFK, Sr. conspiracy theories.

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It’s an X-K-Red-27 technique, duh.


“You get 666.”

Yeah, but the sign of the devil is 616, you numpty.

Also, and this is true, Ovid is a Greek poet, not sheep. The Latin name for sheep is Ovis. You can’t even get THAT right, but you sure do know how to violate flag code in your outfit choices.

We are all fucking doomed. Doomed, I tell you.


I suppose gematria is a “real thing” in that it is a practice humans engage in that has a definition. The meaning that bipedal pattern recognition systems assign to its practice doesn’t correlate with reality.

ahhhh… i see. well, you don’t need to look it up. rest assured, that’s not how gematria works, lol

yes, that’s exactly what i mean. she didn’t just make up a word. it’s something that existed before she found out about it for her own nonsensical uses.

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this one is even more contrived than the frozen fish sticks thing.
You know, where the vaccine is obviously full of tracking nanites made by Unilever or Nestle or whoever your illuminati international conglomerate name is popular now.
They are tracking us because they own (do they?) the Findus food brand. Find-us. Get it? FIND US! Wake up sheeple.

Don’t call her stupid!!


Bird’s Eye. Duh.

security watching GIF


Sometimes it’s bad that we humans are pattern recognition machines.

I bet she thinks the animals she sees in clouds are real animals too.

I wonder what happens if you count the number of letters in the names of the presidents, starting with, oh I dunno, Ronald Wilson Reagan.


Man, what kind of beef do you have with parasitized ants?

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Damn, you’re right, & she even mentions it. Thanks for pointing out the obvious part that I missed.
Makes sense, in order for her to arrive at her predetermined conclusion in order to support the rest of her bullshit.

For a lot of us, that crisis began about 500 years ago, in Novermber of 2016, with the Critical Mass being a direct result of those events.

That kerosene being primarily wielded by a certain segment of society.

That particualr Paranoia being wielded, again, by a certain segment of society.

WHICH ‘media’?
FOX and, say, Pacifica do NOT report events the same way.
One of ‘em is fanning the flames…
"WHY’? is a very good question.

I would argue that those relatives are the ones that need the mental help, since those MAGAts generally seem to be lost.
The pandemic itself should have shown the need for UHC, but apparently not, in the usual circles.

Here’s an article about this guy:
WTF is up with Dallas?

The best line I ever heard about Mortality:
“I wanna go out the same way I came in: Naked, Screaming, & Covered in Blood”

While they ignore the cellphone they clutch in their hands.

Well, Protzman isn’t native to Dallas. They’re just there because that is the Holy Site of the JFK Assignation.

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