San Francisco Hat Company makes an awesome fedora

Goddammit! Are fedoras good? Are they evil? Are they good but worn by evildoers?

I just don’t know anymore! My brain can’t take this!



Hipsters may wear Trilbys, but that doesn’t mean the ‘proper’ fedora isn’t primary an indication that the person under it is a completely out-of-touch ur-dork. You might as well be going out in full Ren faire gear.

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The joke’s on you, citizen. Tin foil is not a Faraday cage.

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If you’re under the age of 40. Now that the temples are grey and the top is thinning, a brown felt fedora is perfect fall-rainy-day-dog-walking headgear. A wool felt hat and a Filson jacket are all that’s necessary for damp to moderately wet weather. You can graduate to a straw trilby as a summer hat once you hit 60.

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But will the pony have a fedora?



What the heck do you call a Robin Hood/Ivanhoe hat anyway?

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gaaah! beat me to it!


I think it’s a “Bycoket”. I should know, I used to have one.

It used to refer to all techno, now refers to a specific sub-set of wub wub slash boring big-tent arena show, the sort that’s really big in America at the moment.

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The Brony/fedora intersection is quite large, so sure.

The thing about “hipsters” is that they’re more likely to wear the rest of the ensemble, and thus match.

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In that they’re both subsets of “people the internet told you not to like.”

When it comes down to it, people aren’t fond of the subcultures spawned, the items and media themselves still remain value-neutral.

Sure, but whatever your opinion of bronies or PUAs, there is zero significant overlap between the two. I mean, there’s bound to be some incidental intersection, but there are black people who salute the Confederate flag, too.

You’ve got fans of a show about being nice to people with a mostly-female cast, and you’ve got a subculture about being shitty to women. The only thing they have in common is that they’ve both been marked as acceptable targets by the internet hivemind.

I haven’t tried them, but I’ve heard that Paul’s Hat Works in San Francisco cleans and rebuilds hats as well as making new ones.


The problem isn’t hipsters appropriating trilbys or porkpies or other hats with inadequate brims and wearing them ironically, or wearing them as appropriately matched accessories to the rest of their costumes. That’s just fine; they’re welcome to have fun with them, just as when I was young we appropriated Victorian and Wild-West Victorian dress memes for fun.

The problem is the sleazy misogynist pickup artists using fedoras (and trilbys) as part of their “show off to the ladies” outfits and gestures, leading to the “Hatred of Fedoras” post and meme, so that those of us who wear fedoras because they’re comfortable hats for old bald guys have to put up with the abuse of the fedora-haters.


[quote=“PhasmaFelis, post:54, topic:63077”]
You’ve got fans of a show about being nice to people with a mostly-female cast[/quote]
I don’t think most Bronies are terrible, but I do think it’s odd that considering the topic of the show, many of the fanbase aren’t nice to people, certainly not women. How do you not identify with the message, but still consume the media? It’s bizarre how these he-man woman hater clubs will pop up, no matter the subject. I mean, the primary name for fandom is not-particularly-ironically gendered.

I can’t be too upset that the original handful of dudes chose to cheerfully acknowledge (and thereby somewhat defuse) the perception that it’s somehow not appropriate for males to like ponies; it’s perhaps unfortunate that it stuck, but there is stuff like this.

I haven’t actually noticed bronies being less nice than any other fanbase, for the most part. I feel like they’re perceived that way because of this:

A: I’m kind of into MLP:FIM.
B: Eww, get away from me, faggot.
A: Hey, fuck you!
B: Don’t yell at me! Why are you bronies such jerks?

Doesn’t take too much of that for a person to start getting a tad twitchy. It’s a shame that some dudes get angrily defensive about it, but I’m willing to cut them a bit of slack given that the fandom is the target of more bizarre, malicious, aggressive hate than any other except maybe furries.

oh well a nice trillbae
kinda suits you anyway
that was all I had to say
it’s alright

If you feel people are making straw criticisms of the community, coming up with an even more ridiculous straw criticism isn’t going to get you to a place of understanding.

Especially with your casually tossing around “faggot”.